Episcopal Conference of Malawi




The Catholic Church in Malawi  received a gift of 23 new deacons.
The 21 Diocesan and 2 Capuchin Seminarians were ordained  at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Zomba by Bishop Adrian Peter Chifukwa of Dedza Diocese.
For the first time after many years, each of the 8 dioceses  had a representative with Blantyre Archdiocese having six, Chikwawa 4, Dedza 3 (one Capuchin), Karonga 1, Lilongwe 4 (one Capuchin) . Mangochi 2, Mzuzu 1 and Zomba 2.
As we celebrate and Thank God for this gift, let us pray for the Deacons to be and pray for more vocations.
The  ordained deacons are as follows:
        Blantyre Archdiocese (6)
1.  Stephano Mlosola:Masanjala Parish
2.  Amon Botolo :Namulenga Parish
3. Innocent Chimbayo: Mtenje Parish
4. David Totomoyo :Neno Parish
5. Charles Katundu :Thyolo Parish
6. Victor Lino :Masanjala Parish
Chikwawa Diocese (4)
7. Yohane Mphimba, Nchalo
8. Emmanuel Malikebu,  Molere Parish
9. Matthews Kamiza, Mgabu Parish
10. Tobias Gamera , Bangula Parish
Dedza Diocese (3)
11. Matthews Tolokosi,  Dedza Parish
12. Luke John Banda , (Franciscan Capuchin)  Nsipe Parish
13. Gerald Malota,  Dedza Parish
Karonga Diocese (1)
14. Laurent Simwera, St. Martin De Porres Parish
Lilongwe archdiocese (4)
15. Andrew Khembo,DonBosco Parish
16. Gerald Masaiti  (Franciscan Capuchin) Kalembe Parish
17. Charles Phiri,   Utatu Woyera Parish
18.  Regis Mwasiya, Salima Parish
Mangochi Diocese (2)
19.  Amos Mtchelenga, Phalula Parish
20.  Aaron Khonje , Nsanama Parish
Mzuzu Diocese (1)
21. Tobias Mkweu , Nkhamenya Parish
Zomba Diocese (2)
22. Hermes Malata , Mlombodzi Parish
23. Joseph Makawa , Domasi Parish

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