Area Sq. Kilometres: 11,385
Population: 1,520,300
Catholics: 247,916
Catechumens: 2100
Full Time Catechists: 59
Volunteer Catechists: 359
Deaneries 05
Parishes: 24
Historical Notes:
The Fort Johnston Apostolic prefecture was erected on 29th May 1969. By then it covered the then Fort Johnston and the larger part of Kasupe (Machinga) District North of Shire River. It was entrusted to the Italian Montfort Missionaries. The late Right Reverend Bishop Alessandro Assolari was appointed first Prefect Apostolic on 18th October 1969. The Prefecture Apostolic was then erected into a Diocese on 17th September 1973. Mangochi Diocese covers the area of Mangochi, Balaka and part of Machinga Districts.
Local Ordinary:
The Right Reverend Montfort Stima (DP) was born on 27th December 1957 at Khomera Village, T.A. Dambe, Neno district. He was ordained priest on 3rd August, 1986 at Limbe Cathedral. His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Blantyre on 24th January 2010 and on 24th April the same year he was consecrated. On 6th December 2013, the Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican Embassy) in Malawi announced that His Holiness Pope Francisco appointed him Bishop of Mangochi Diocese and his installation took place on 22nd February 2014.
ADDRESS: Bishop’s House, P.O. Box 44, MANGOCHI
Tel: (+256) 01 594 462
Fax: (+265) 01 594 676
Mobile: (+265) 9 95 328 260/888 124 835
Email: mangochidiocese@malawi.net
Right Reverend Alessandro Assolari (SMM) (1973-2004)
Right Reverend Luciano Nervi (SMM) (2004-2005)
Rev. Fr. Luigi Gritti (SMM) (2005-2006)
Right Reverend Thomas Luke Msusa (2006-2007)
Right Reverend Alessandro Pagani (2007-2014)
A) Priests and Men Religious
Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (MCCJ)
Congregation of Sancti Spiritus (CSSp)
Diocesan Priests (DP)
Fidei Donum (FD)
Society of Montfort Missionaries (smm)
Marist Brothers (FMS)
Missionaries of Africa (M. Afr)
Order of Discalsed Carmelite (OCD)
Society of Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (MMI)
B) Women Religious
Daughters of Mary Immaculate and Collaborators (DMI)
Figlia Della Carita Canossiana – (FDCC)
Poverelle Sisters (PS)
Sacramentine Sisters (SS)
Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SBVM)
Sisters of the Divine Providence (SDP)
Teresian Sisters
Allieri Ilaria St. John the Baptist
Locatelli Roberto Montfort Missionaries – Balaka
Milesi Rita Namwera Alleluya Orphanage
Teresa Riva Namwera Parish
Local Ordinary: Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima (DP)
Bishop’s House
Tel: (+256) 01 594 462
Mobile: +265) 9 95328260/888124835
Fax: (+265) 01 594 676
Email: mangochidiocese@malawi.net