Episcopal Conference of Malawi


The Season of Advent is here

The Season of Advent is here

Pope-Benedict-XVI-speaks-007THE SEASON OF ADVENT IS HERE 
The month of December is here once more. A look around shows the landscape is turning green again after some months of dryness. This is a cycle of hope. Currently, there is so much activity fitting this season. Many people are busy preparing their fields for planting, buying fertiliser or saving money to assist relatives back in the village to do the same.

This change has not spared the Church. As the climatic seasons are changing, the Church’s seasons are changing as well. 2nd December 2012, is the day the whole Roman Catholic Church begins a new season on the liturgical calendar. The Season of Advent! The Church has several seasons and the first of them all is Advent. This season is a door that opens a new year of liturgy.

Now a question can be: what is Advent? The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus. This word means arrival or approach. In short, the Season of Advent is a preparation for the birth of Baby Jesus at Christmas. But now a look around shows Christmas is here already. Look at the frenzy and excitement among people. Many shops have been decorated already by Christmas colours and objects. And shoppers are listening to carols already.

However, as Christians, we believe that Christmas is a very big and important time. Thus it needs adequate preparation spiritually and physically. It was for this reason that the Season of Advent was inserted in the calendar. Advent is a season of deep reflection, penance and meditation. It is a time of spiritual rebirth. That is why the colour of this season is purple. This is a colour that symbolises sombreness and remorse. Through the incarnation, God took the initiative to take a step towards human beings. Through the incarnation, God showed humility.
Through the incarnation, God lived among people. It is this spirit of humility that Christians have to imitate.

Following the invitation of His Holiness Pope Benedict XV1, in celebrating the Year of Faith, let us reflect on the Creed and especially when we say, “I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary”. During this Advent I invite you to reflect on this and see what it means for you and humanity as a whole.

Looking at the Malawi of today, one would see that we are slowly getting immersed into a world of consumerism i.e. a culture of buying things. This has not spared preparation for Christmas as well. It is really possible to celebrate Christmas without Christ. Now as the four weeks of Advent go by, Christians should take time off their busy programmes to reflect deeply about their personal relationship with God and fellow people. A Christian must do deeper soul-searching, and this will lead to remorse for their weaknesses. At the end there must be repentance and making amends. There cannot be Advent without change in our life; and this is the heart of Advent.

On behalf of the whole Episcopal Conference of Malawi, let me wish you a fruitful period of preparation, as we wait for the birth of Jesus Christ. A good preparation in the Season of Advent, will give us a Christmas full of meaning.


+ Joseph M. Zuza, Dp
Episcopal Conference of Malawi Chairman (ECM) 
2nd December, 2012

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