Employment Type: Consultancy Contract
(NOTE: This vacancy is being re-advertised to widen the pool of candidates. All candidates who
have already applied previously need not re apply)

Closing Date: Close of business, Thursday, 9th February, 2023.
Supporting Documentation: TERMS OF REFERENCE (Please visit CADECOM home page:
Task Title          Development of the A+ successor Project design
Length              20 – 30 days
Timeframe        February, 2023 to March, 2023
The Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) with support from Caritas
Australia has been implementing the ‘Integrated Community Development Programs (Australia
Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)’ Program and the Malawi Tanzania Integrated
Community Development Programs ( A+) for 12 years now aimed at supporting marginal
communities in to enhance their quality of life by adopting an endogenous approach and through
improved food security and access to water, sanitation and hygiene services.
CADECOM in partnership with Caritas Australia plans to develop a successor Program for A+
The new multi-year program will be an integrated community development program based on
the specific need of the target districts/communities in different Catholic Dioceses of the country.
Rationale and purpose

CADECOM is seeking services of a consultant to help design and develop the successor program
of the A+ Program in Malawi. The main purpose is thus to develop a program design that
highlights key priority need areas of intervention supported with statistics and with clear
strategies of intervention.

Consultant Key responsibilities:
A Consultant will be required to;

• Conduct a desk review of relevant literature including the End of Project evaluation report
to best inform the proposal development including but not limited to the baseline study
report, final evaluation report and the Caritas Australia strategic plan
• Develop a comprehensive inception report with a detailed methodology on how the
consultant intends to carry out the assignment including a detailed work plan
• Identify areas of collaboration with public and private stakeholders including the national
development agenda stipulated in the Malawi 2063.
• Undertake a visit to the target community and meet relevant program stakeholders as
• Facilitate development of the new project design in collaboration with CADECOM
• Consolidate and produce a complete project design (including Budget, Risk Assessment
and MEL Framework) in the prescribed/agreed project design template(s).
The consultant should have the following:
– At least a Master’s Degree in development studies, agriculture, WASH, Assessment,
Design and Evaluation or related fields. A post graduate level certificate in transformative
awareness will be an added advantage
– Demonstrated experience in conducting livelihoods programs especially focusing on,
Agriculture Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), DRR and resilience related research
studies and developing program proposals.
– Proven track record of conducting similar assignments with at least two referees.
– Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and local languages.
– Extensive experience with international donor funded programs.
If interested?
If interested in this consultancy task, review the Terms of Reference, and submit an Expressions
of Interest (EOI) to chimwemwenkosi@gmail and copy to

The expression of interest should also include:
• A curriculum vitae with two references (Max 5 Pages)
• A proposal:
Technical Proposal: The proposed approach and methodology for the consultancy (Max
7 pages)
Financial Proposal: Proposed Budget – including daily rate and all costs in relation to travel,
meals, accommodation and other expenses related to the consultancy
• Availability (available months/year) to undertake the consultancy.

Only short-listed applicants meeting the requirements stated above will be contacted.
For any questions, please get in touch with above email contacts.

Terms of Reference for Designing the A+ successor Program
For over fifty years, Caritas Australia has worked alongside our partners in the most
marginalised and remote communities, to challenge poverty and inequality. With continued
efforts, CA notes that the context keeps on changing introducing new challenges along the
way. We are faced with a world in which conflict, displacement, extreme weather and
diseases are increasingly common. CA’s Strategic Direction is intended to build on existing
strengths, successes and learning from its previous Strategic Plan to take us forward into a
future where we will need to be more agile and resilient than ever before.

Caritas Australia supported CADECOM in Malawi to implement the DFAT-funded AACES
Program since July 2012 to 2016. The program covered 3 Dioceses of Mzuzu, Blantyre and
Lilongwe in Malawi. The program was later on succeeded by A+ Program also known as the
Malawi-Tanzania Integrated Community Development Program (A+ program) which has been
running from 2016 to date. A recent evaluation of the program revealed that the A+ program
is a success looking at the impact on livelihood improvements, food security, WASH and cross
cutting components of gender inclusiveness and persons with disability. The evaluation
however also highlights that A+ is an unfinished agenda. There are many things and actions
that remain to be done to scale up successfully and pre-tested interventions for wider
coverage and visibility. The general recommendation is that Caritas Australia should continue
with intentions already underway to plan and support a successor program based on the
Strength Based and Right Based Approaches that the program has been using as they have
proven to work best.

CADECOM intends to develop a successor program in Malawi to further enhance the positive
impacts of the interventions and help marginalized communities by building on the already
registered success and drawing from lessons through the predecessor program and work by
other stakeholders. The program will be implemented in the area of Traditional Authority
Kachulu, Mwalweni and Katumbi in Rumphi, Traditional Authority Tambala in Dedza and
Traditional Authority Kanduku in Mwanza.

Purpose of the consultancy assignment
CADECOM is seeking services of a consultant to help design the successor program of the
A+ in Malawi. The main purpose is thus to develop a program design that highlights key
priority areas of intervention supported with statistics and with clear strategies of
intervention. Specific objectives of the assignment include the following:

The assignment has the following specific objectives:
(i) Design a situational analysis research in the new target areas to understand the
context in which the new project will be implemented and the change that the
communities would like to see
(ii) Identify and engage key stakeholders
(iii) Identify best practices related to community capacities to become self-sustaining
(iv) Identify opportunities through the gaps identified in the current project
(v) Establish opportunities for marginalised groups such as women groups at district
and community levels to maximize their participation access and use of productive
(vi) Make recommendations on practical interventions that should be included in the
proposed project
(vii) In collaboration with CADECOM staff, lead in development of a complete project
design (including Budget, Risk Assessment and MEL Framework)

Scope of the Assignment and deliverables
The consultant(s) are expected to carry out a desk review of the predecessor projects and
national level policies and strategies that will help shape the proposed intervention and
ensure that it contributes to the national agenda. Key activities should include the following:
1. Conduct a desk review of relevant literature including the End of Project evaluation
report to best inform the proposal development including but not limited to the
baseline study report, final evaluation report and the Caritas Australia strategic plan
2. Develop a comprehensive inception report with a detailed methodology on how the
consultant intends to carry out the assignment including a detailed work plan.
3. Undertake a visit to the target communities and meet relevant program stakeholders
as needed.
4. Identify the project need and justification based on the assessments and analysis using
ranges of tools. Identify areas of collaboration with public and private stakeholders
including the national development agenda stipulated in the Malawi 2063.
5. Facilitate development of the new project design in collaboration with CADECOM
6. Consolidate and produce a complete project design (including Budget, Risk
Assessment and MEL Framework) in the prescribed/agreed project design template(s).

Time Frame:
– 20 – 30 days
Qualifications of the consultants
The preferred should possess the following attributes:

– At least a Master’s Degree in development studies, or related fields. A post graduate
level certificate in transformative awareness will be an added advantage
– Demonstrated experience in conducting livelihood related research and developing
proposals on livelihood resilience programming
– Proven track record of conducting similar assignments with at least two referees.
– Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and local languages.
– Extensive experience with international donor funded programs.

CADECOM Commitment to Safeguarding and Diversity
Our commitment to safeguarding
We recognize the personal dignity and rights of all people, especially children and vulnerable
adults towards whom we have a special responsibility. If you are offered this contract, you
will be required to undergo reference checks and provide relevant background checks,
including police checks. You will also be required to sign our Code of Conduct which
includes a section on Professional Behaviour Standards for the Protection of Children and
Vulnerable Adults as well as to abide by our safeguarding policies.
Our commitment to diversity
At CADECOM, we support an inclusive and diverse workforce. We encourage applicants
from marginalized groups of communities.

Proposals are to be submitted not later than the 9
th of February, 2023. Submissions are to be
made via email to the following address: and

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