Multi-Year Program Evaluation Consultancy

Location: Home and Country (Malawi and Tanzania)

Employment Type: Consultancy Contract

Closing Date: Close of business Monday, the 16 May 2022.

Supporting Documentation: TERMS OF REFERENCE (Please visit CADECOM home page:

  • Task Title           Evaluation Consultant
  • Length                24 -30 days.
  • Timeframe         July – September 2022
  • Location             Home and Field based

Caritas Australia works alongside with most vulnerable people and communities in the world to bring a lasting change in their lives. CADECOM, Malawi and DMDD, Tanzania are country partners.

Rationale and purpose

The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive review of DFAT-funded A+ Program implemented in Malawi and Tanzania and inform next phase of the program. This evaluation task will include both desk and field-based exercises.

Key responsibilities

  • Evaluation Design and Planning.
  • Desk review: Analysis of existing and relevant documents.
  • Field Assessment: Field review in Malawi and Tanzania consulting with beneficiary communities, program implementing partners and stakeholders.
  • Interim Report: after completing the field work.
  • Interim presentation: after completing the field work, preferably at partner office.
  • Final Report (draft): after collating and analysing desk and field collected information (40 pages excluding appendix).
  • Final presentation and Final Report Delivery: Distance or face-to-face to share findings of the report. The consultant will deliver the final report in email and in print.

Ideally the consultant will: 

  • Have extensive knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) theories and practices.
  • Have demonstrated experience evaluating international development programs using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods and utilizing participatory and appreciative inquiry techniques.
  • Understands the historical, political, social, and cultural context of the country where the project/program is implemented.
  • Have postgraduate qualifications (Masters or Ph.D.) in social science or program evaluation and experience on program evaluation and study in the sectors of agriculture, livelihood, WASH, International Project Management, agro-eco tourism, cooperatives, enterprises-HVEP, DRR, vocational training, and/or Gender, Child and Youth Empowerment in developing countries.
  • Have Safeguarding/Social Protection/CPP sensitivity in working with local communities and a range of stakeholders.
  • Have excellent oral communication skills and the ability to deliver high quality written reports in English.

If interested?                                                                              

If you are interested in this consultancy task, after reviewing the Terms of Reference, please submit an Expressions of Interest (EOI) to;; and CC to or;

The expression of interest should include:

  • A cover letter briefly outlining relevant experience with this type of evaluation (2-pages).
  • A curriculum vitae with list of publications and two references (not more than 5 pages).
  • Example of a relevant piece of written work in past (e.g., 1-2 pieces of evaluation study report).
  • A proposal outlining the following, but not limited to (max. 7 pages):
    • The proposed approach and methodology for the consultancy task.
    • Proposed Budget – including daily rate and travel, meals, accommodation, insurance costs, and other expenses related to the consultancy.
    • Availability to undertake the consultancy, and
    • Proposed evaluation task action plan (summary).



Malawi-Tanzania Integrated Community Development Program (A+ Program) is being implemented by Caritas Australia together with CADECOM, Malawi and the Diocese of Mbulu (DMDD), Tanzania covering 4 Dioceses in Malawi and a Diocese in Tanzania (July 2016-June 2022). The Program is a follow-on Program of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia (DFAT) funded AACES Program (2012-2016). Recently, it has been decided to undertake a twelve-month interim phase to finalize outstanding activities and prepare for a new multi-year program. At the end of this one-year interim phase remaining past sub-projects will have been completed and a design for the A+ second phase program will have been finalized.


The main Goal of the A+ Program is to improve the quality of life of marginal communities by increasing their access to services, especially food security and WASH. The stated objectives of this program are:

  • To enhance the quality of life of marginal communities in Malawi and Tanzania by improving their food security and access to water, though improved sanitation and hygiene services. This will be achieved by utilizing a Strengths Based Approach.
  • To contribute to the end of the perpetual cycle of food insecurity in Malawi by offering replicable practices for resilience building at the community level, contributing to better research, and influencing national policy to increase farm productivity and the diversification of livelihoods and nutrition sources.

The program outcomes included the following:

  • Improved farm yields and a diversification of livelihoods, leading to improved income for 80% of participants in the program.
  • 80% of community members have reduced distances to travel to access clean water.
  • Project communities are declared ODFE (Open Defecation Free Environments) and as a result communicable diseases decrease by 50%.
  • Child Protection Committees function effectively in all project communities.
  • Incidences of child abuse reported and are reduced by 75%.
  • Women represent half of all members of community committees and thus are given a greater voice.
  • Communities engage with local and district authorities and other duty-bearers to gain better access to services.
  • Stakeholders are aware of the threats posed by COVID-19 and undertake steps to mitigate its impact.
  • To achieve the stated objectives, the program will continue to organize sub-projects covering the different sectors mentioned below:
  • Community and stakeholder’s consultation.
  • Partners and community Capacity Building.
  • Water, Sanitation, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Food Security
  • Livelihood
  • Gender and Protection
  • Disability, Child Protection and safeguarding

2.     Evaluation type, Purpose and specific objectives

The assignment to be undertaken is the End of the Project Evaluation for A+ Program. The main purposes/objectives of the end-of-program evaluation includes the following.

  • To determine to what extent the A+ Program objectives are achieved.
  • To identify program strengths, weaknesses, lessons learnt and future opportunities.
  • To examine the relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency, impact of the program.
  • To explore sustainability of the program outputs and outcomes.
  • To explore the possibility of replicating the program in other districts or dioceses in the program countries.
  • To identify any specific outcomes around gender equality, protection and social inclusion and key approaches to ensure effective gender and protection integration across the program.
  • To consider any environmental and climate-related impacts of the program and mitigation measures undertaken in response to these.
  • To consider the alignment of the program thus far with Caritas Australia’s strategic objectives and assess any necessary adjustments going forward.

The Evaluation findings will inform a future Program design for the subsequent second phase of the   A+ Program and underlying partner capacity development projects, which are to be finalized within a year (FY 2022/’23). The Evaluation findings and recommendations will also provide a basis for developing a strategy for future program investments in Malawi and Tanzania.

3.     Evaluation scope &time frame

Scope: This final evaluation of the program covers the past six years of the program since the commencement of the A+ program in FY 2016/17 – FY 2021/22 in Malawi and Tanzania. The evaluation study incorporates all the program sectors – Food Security, Livelihood, WASH, Gender, etc., Partners, Sub-partners and Stakeholders involved in the program Implementation.


Timeframe: The Evaluation task must be undertaken by an external consultant/contractor between July and September of 2022. The evaluation study will include both desk and field assessments, followed by data analysis and reporting. The entire evaluation is expected to take 24-30 days spread over max of 2 months. Sample time plan table given below and add the activities as needed.

Sub-tasks/activities Proposed Time Frame Remarks
Evaluation Design and Desk Assessment XX days Evaluation design with methods, sampling and field data collection design/techniques and elaborate evaluation activities/exercise plan will be submitted to Caritas Australia and fine-tuned as needed.
Field Visit XX days At least 1 project community in each program Diocese in Malawi and Tanzania.
Interim Report and share Preliminary Findings. XX days The preliminary findings will be shared with partners and relevant CA Staff through online or face-to-face meetings.
Final Report (Draft) and share key finding/ summary report. XX days The Final Report (draft) will be shared with partners and relevant CA Staff through online or face-to-face meetings.


Comment Incorporation and Final Report XX days Final Report delivered through email and hard copy.
Total: YY days.

4.     expected deliverables

An evaluation plan and methodologies will be determined together with CA staff and the evaluator. The final report to include the following, but not limited to:

  • An executive summary and overall recommendations.
  • Key findings and an analysis of these findings.
  • Successes/challenges and the reasons for these.
  • Best Practices and Lessons learned.
  • Specific recommendations on any aspect of the program, its planning, implementation, management, coordination and other related factors.
  • Specific and exclusive recommendations for each partner and program (i.e. with clearly distinct sections).
  • Appendices of statistical data, participant interviews, case studies, photos, Videos etc.
  • Lists of key informants including partner (PNGOs/Coops/staff/governments representatives/other stakeholders).


The length of the report will be determined by the evaluation scope, however it should, as a rule, be no longer than 40 pages, excluding appendices.


  • The evaluation task will primarily be undertaken by an external evaluator, contracted by Caritas Australia or its partner. Appropriate Caritas Australia and/or Partner staff will also be a part of the evaluation.
  • The external evaluator will be selected based on the following skills, experience, and qualifications.
    • Have extensive knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) theory and practice.
    • Have demonstrated experience evaluating international development programs using quantitative and qualitative methods and participatory methodologies.
    • Understand the historical, political, social, and cultural context of the country where the project/program is implemented.
    • Can respectfully and effectively communicate with diverse groups of people.
    • Have Strong interpersonal and facilitation skills, and cultural and gender, Safeguarding/Social Protection/CPP sensitivity in working with local communities and a range of stakeholders.
    • Have postgraduate qualifications (Masters or Ph.D.) in social science or program evaluation and experience on program evaluation and study in the sectors of agriculture, livelihood, WASH, International Project Management, agro-eco tourism, cooperatives, enterprises-HVEP, DRR, vocational training, Gender, Child and Youth Empowerment in developing countries.
    • Have excellent oral communication skills and the ability to deliver high quality written reports in English.

6.     Commitment to safeguarding

Our commitment to safeguarding
At Caritas Australia, we recognize the personal dignity and rights of all people, especially children and vulnerable adults towards whom we have a special responsibility. If you are offered this contract, you will be required to undergo reference checks and provide relevant background checks, including police checks. You will also be required to sign our Code of Conduct which includes a section on Professional Behaviour Standards for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults as well as to abide by our safeguarding policies.

Our commitment to diversity
At Caritas Australia, we support an inclusive and diverse workforce. In particular, we encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants for all advertised positions.


Interested parties for the task are requested to submit their application/budget proposal as below:

  • A cover letter briefly outlining relevant experience with this type of evaluation (2-pages).
  • A curriculum vitae with list of publications and two references (not more than 5 pages).
  • Example of a relevant piece of written work in past (e.g., 1-2 pieces of evaluation study report).
  • A proposal outlining the following, but not limited to (max. 7 pages):
  • The proposed approach and methodology for the consultancy task.
  • Proposed Budget – including daily rate and travel, meals, accommodation, insurance costs, and other expenses related to the consultancy.
  • Availability to undertake the consultancy, and
  • Proposed evaluation task action plan (summary).


Expression of Interest detailing the Scope of Services and a fee quotation must be submitted to Caritas Australia by close of business Monday, the 16 May 2022. Expressions of interest should be sent to the following email addresses:;; and copy to:, and

Any inqueries can be directed to the same email addresses not later than Friday, the 16 May 2022.

Only short-listed applicants meeting the requirements stated above will be contacted. 



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