Episcopal Conference of Malawi


SECAM Establishes Working Group on Migration

SECAM Establishes Working Group on Migration

September 9, 2012

SECAM Establishes Working Group on Migration

A  Continental Working Group on Migration has been formed by the Symposium of  Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM). The group among other things will  advice the Church in Africa regarding  pastoral care of migrants with particular reference to the promotion and protection  of migrants rights on the national, regional and continental levels.

This was the outcome of a three-day meeting jointly organised by SECAM and the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) that took place in Accra from September 7-9, 2012. The  Working Group comprises all the Secretaries General of the eight Regional Episcopal Conferences in Africa, two officials from SECAM Secretariat, one representative each from Caritas Africa, National Migration Commission, Justice and Peace Commission and ICMC. Rev. Fr. Mesmin Prosper Massengo, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conferences of Central Africa (ACERAC) was unanimously elected as the first Chairman of the Group. The Secretary of the Department of Justice, Peace and Development of  SECAM will serve as its Secretary.SECAM

Most Rev. Simon Ntamwana, Archbishop of Chitega,, Burundi and a member of the Standing Committee of SECAM  who officially opened the meeting on behalf of Most Rev. Gabriel Mbilingi, Second Vice President of (SECAM)  and head of the Justice, Peace and Development Department of SECAM said  that migration by Africans was a contributory factor for   destabilising and destroying  families on the continent.

He noted  that  as at last year Africa accounted for one-fifth of the global migrants population of 16 million, and “projections indicate that by 2025, one in ten Africans will work outside their countries of origin.”

The Archbishop was optimistic that the meeting would provide an opportunity for the Church in Africa to review its commitment and the impact on agenda of the Global Forum of Migration and Development.

The outcome of the meeting,  as well, as the forthcoming Pan-African  Congress  on Migration, he added,  would give African another  opportunity  to take a closer  look “at ourselves  in order to be more as salt of the earth and light of the world.”

In a welcome  address, presented on behalf Rev. Fr. Francois Xavier Damiba, Secretary General of SECAM, Benedict Assorow, Communications Director of SECAM described migration as a worldwide phenomenon which calls for increased pastoral attention by the Church in Africa.

He stated that migration involved people of various categories including  internally-displaced people, stateless persons, victims of human trafficking, vulnerable persons, children, asylum seekers and students.

Assorow therefore advised National and Regional Episcopal Conference in Africa to put in place appropriate institutions for the study of migrants and provide pastoral  care for the them. “We live in a world full of contradictions and deep crisis for which the Church has to do all it takes to be a healing community in Africa.” He added.

The  Secretary General of ICMC, Mr. Johan Ketelers who  in no small measure contributed to  the process for  setting up of the Working Group within the last  five years. He hoped that the Regional Secretaries who work hard in making the Group more effective and efficient. He also mad a presentation on some findings by the World Bank regarding Migration and Remittances and on The Global forum on Migration and Development.

Policy documents of the African Union (AU) on Migration were presented by a Migration Officer of  the AU, Mr. Philip Jusu. He pointed out that the AU would need the support of  civil society   for the effective  implementation of the policies of the AU. He therefore  appealed to SECAM to  collaborate with his Office in this regard.

The meeting was facilitated by Messrs. Firmin Adjahossou and Paul Muchena, both Programme Officers of the Good Governance Section of SECAM.

At a thanksgiving Mass, at the St.  Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Legon,  University of Ghana the  President of the Inter-Regional Meeting of  Bishops of Southern Africa(IMBISA), Most Rev. Nubuasah, main celebrant, thanked  Parishioners for  their warn hospitality  and urged  them to  desist from moving from  the Catholic Church to  other Church in search  of miracles adding that  God worked miracles through  faith. He also briefed them about the meeting on Migration.

After the Mass the Group interacted with some Ghanaian and foreign students of  the University of Ghana.

The meeting  as  attended by 20 delegates from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Ethiopia,  Kenya, Burundi, Benin, Egypt, Togo, Botswana, Ghana  and Switzerland.
Issued by: Benedict B. Assorow   
Director of Communications, SECAM
Tel: 00 233 302  778872  / 00 233 24  4274186
E-mail: secaminfo@yahoo.com

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