Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Pope Francis Appoints New Bishop for Zomba Diocese

Pope Francis Appoints New Bishop for Zomba Diocese

By Prince Henderson, ECM Communications Officer

Bishop TambalaThe Holy Father Pope Francis on Thursday during the feast of Saint Teresa of Avila at noontime in the Vatican City announced the appointment of Reverend Father George Desmund Tambala as the new Bishop for Zomba Diocese.

In a statement from the Apostolic Nunciature in Malawi through the office of the Secretary General for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM),His Grace Most Reverend Thomas Msusa, Apostolic Administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the Diocese of Zomba, remains in charge of the Diocese until the new Bishop will take possession of the Episcopal See of Zomba.

Meanwhile the Vice Chairman for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, His Lordship Martin Mtumbuka has congratulated Fr. Tambala for his appointment.

“My Lord Bishop Elect, On behalf of the President of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, who is out of the country at the moment for official duties as the President of the ECM, and on my own behalf, and indeed on behalf of the entire Catholic Church in Malawi, I wish to most sincerely congratulate you on your appointment as the Bishop of the Diocese of Zomba,” reads part of the message circulated to the Malawi Media.

According to Bishop Mtumbuka this appointment reflects the trust of the Holy Father in Fr. Tambala.

“This appointment reflects the trust of the Holy Father has in you and ultimately the love of God for you and his trust that you can shepherd his flock of Zomba, counting on his unfailing help and the support of the priests and religious men and women of Zomba and on certain and solid support of we your Brother Bishops,” he said.

Bishop Mtumbuka added: “Surely there are some joyful days ahead of you as well as agonizing weeks and months. But all these are nothing compared with what our Lord did to show us his love. All we your Brother Bishops can do, therefore, is entrust you to the one who has placed this heavy cross on your shoulders and sincerely pray that he will never let you down even if we know of nobody whom he let down”.

He ended his statement with this short prayer: “May Mary our Mother, interceed for you that at all times you will reflect the face of his Son as you minister to her children entrusted to your pastoral care”.

Bishop Elect, Reverend Tambala was born in Zomba on 11 November 1968.From 1983 to 1987 he attended secondary education at the Child Jesus Nankhunda Minor Seminary in Zomba and later attended the Inter-Congregational Seminary (ICS) of Philosophy in Balaka district.

In 1996 he entered the Novitiate in the Discalced Carmelites Order and made his first religious profession on 31 July 1991.After his theological studies at Tangaza College in Nairobi,Kenya.He was ordained priest on 13 April 1996 at Chiphaso Parish in Lilongwe.

He completed the specialization courses at Teresa-St John of Avila International Centre, and in 2000 he obtained a licentiate in theology at the Faculty of Northern Spain.

Bishop Elect Tambala has held the following positions: Parochial Vicar in Kapiri-Archdiocese of Lilongwe (1996-2002); Postulants Master in Balaka and teacher of Spirituality (2000-2002); Provincial Delegate Superior in the mission of the Province of San Joaquin of Navarre in Malawi (2002-2008); Superior of the House of Spirituality of Nyungwe-Blantyre.From 2009 until now, he is Definitor General in Charge of Africa and Madagascar and the Order of Discalced Carmelites.

He speaks: English, Chichewa, Yao, Swahili, Italian, Spanish and French.

One thought on “Pope Francis Appoints New Bishop for Zomba Diocese

  1. Mon grand felicitations pour vour Bishop George Desmund Tambala pour les appointment en les Bishop pour les Diocese a’ Zomba.

  2. Bishop George
    Please receive my grand congratulations on your appointment Bishop Desmund Tambala as Bishop elect of the Diocese of Zomba. I am edified with the news as one born in the place where you were ordained at Chiphaso many years back. I am sure the Graces of your humble service will benefit those of us originating from that which used to be our home parish previously; and it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will strengthen, enlighten and guide you in your humble committed service as you assume the high office of the serving the Lord’s flock with Love, faith and Hope.
    Por favor reciba mi gran Enhorabuena por tu nombramiento obispo Desmund Tambala como obispo electo de la diócesis de Zomba. Yo soy edificado con las noticias como uno nacido en el lugar donde fueron ordenados en Chiphaso muchos años atrás. Estoy seguro de que la gracia de su humilde servicio beneficiará a los originarios de lo que solía ser nuestra parroquia anteriormente; y es mi oración que el Espíritu Santo reforzará, iluminar y guiar en su humilde servicio comprometido como usted asume el alto cargo de la porción al rebaño del Señor con amor, fe y esperanza.

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