Episcopal Conference of Malawi



member from various apostolates



Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), Pastoral Coordinators and Family Apostolate Chaplains both at the National and Diocese levels in Malawi met at Venraay Centre in the Diocese of Mangochi from Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th day of November 2021 to evaluate what has been achieved in the forgoing year, plan, discuss and share ideas on different pastoral activities ahead.

According to the National Pastoral Coordinator, Fr Henry Chinkanda, Some of the issues discussed during the meeting were on how to close the Year of St. Joseph and initiate the Year of Amoris Laetitia which goes up to June 2022, to assist the Legion of Mary as they celebrate their centenary, to collaborate with PMS as they have multiple events to celebrate which includes four Centenaries and the feast of the Epiphany and also planning to celebrate the Bishops’ Synod that has been recently called for by Pope Francis.

The synod, said Fr. Chinkanda “is intended to inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds, warm hearts, and restore strength to our hands for our common mission,”.
Laying special emphasis on the Synod.

Fr. Chinkanda added that, “Pope Francis is calling on each one of us to live in communion, create space for everyone to participate and work together so as to be able to fulfil our mission together as a Synodal Church. Synodality is being at the service of the mission of the Church, in which all members are called to participate and that’s why we are here.

Fr Chinkanda further remarked that the other aim of the joint meeting was to strengthen the collaboration spirit between Pastoral, PMS, Family apostolate Chaplains and all agents of evangelization in the Church.

The participants worked out a questionnaire that would be used in the Synodal consultation process, which once approved will start on 5 December, 2021.

Participants expressed satisfaction at the manner and the outcome of the meeting.

Chikwawa Diocesan PMS Director, Fr Ignacio Yohane applauded the meeting saying they have understood the required collaborative relationship which should always be there with the Pastoral and other agents of evangelization in planning for activities.

He then thanked the National office for organizing the joint meeting saying it has helped them a lot and asked them to continue.

Taking his turn, the Deputy Secretary General of Episcopal who is also the National Family Apostolate Coordinator, Fr Valeriano Mtseka described the meeting as “beneficial” due to the issues discussed for the betterment of the Church in Malawi.

“This was a balanced meeting because issues that came out from the Pontifical Mission Societies and Pastoral Coordinators hitched upon families, so we saw that we can map a way forward and help families to look at issues from different angles”, said Father Mtseka,

similar sentiments were expressed by Family Apostolate Chaplain from the Diocese of Zomba, Fr Augustine Danga.

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