Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Papal Visit to AMECEA region very crucial, says Malawi delegation

Papal Visit to AMECEA region very crucial, says Malawi delegation

Archbishop Msusa at the State HouseMalawi delegation to Pope Francis visit in Kenya and Uganda which falls under the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences for Eastern Africa (AMECEA) have described the visit by the Holy Father as crucial both to the Catholic faithful in Kenya and the member Episcopal conferences within the AMECEA.

The Malawi delegation in Kenya comprises of Chairman for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa and Secretary General for ECM, Fr. Henry Saindi while in Uganda; ECM is represented by Archbishop Tarsizio Ziyaye and Bishop Peter Musikuwa.
According to Fr. Saindi, every visit of the Holy Father to any country or region is very significant for many reasons.

“First, because the Pope is the Vicar of Christ. It is on the faith of Peter that Christ built his Church. Like the Apostle Peter, he comes to strength us in the faith. As a Pastor, the Holy Father brings with him Apostolic Blessings,” said Fr. Saindi in his email update from Nairobi, Kenya.

Fr. Saindi said that the Holy Father’s visit to AMECEA region gives hope amidst the numerous challenges in the region specifically being his first visit to Africa; people have been waiting to receive the message he has for the region as a Pastor.

The ECM Secretary General said the participation of ECM both in Kenya and Uganda was therefore not optional but necessary based on the fact that it is a learning experience on how to prepare for the visit of the Holy Father to Malawi should he decide to respond to the invitation President Arthur Peter Mutharika sent to him through the Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher.

“Take note that the Bishops of ECM planned to have an Annual Retreat from 23rd to 28th November, 2015 in the Diocese of Chipata in Zambia. When Vatican announced the visit of the Holy Father, Pope Francis to Kenya, Uganda and Central Africa Republic, ECM cancelled the retreat for two reasons.

Firstly, this is the first visit of Pope Francis to Africa making it very important. Secondly, during his first visit to Africa, the Holy Father has chosen to visit two countries in the AMECEA region, Kenya and Uganda to which Malawi is also a member,” said Fr. Saindi.

In his message at State House in Kenya on Wednesday, Pope Francis stressed on the need to care and invest in the youth who represent the future of Africa because they are in majority.

He also expressed the need to care for the environment which is the theme that stands at the heart of Pope Francis, challenged African leaders to root out graft and corruption which is rampart, just distribution of resources and lastly concern for the poor and the most vulnerable in the society.

All Bishops who go for Ad Limina Visit invite the Pope to their countries. It is a fact that he cannot honor all the invitations. However, visiting Africa for the first time, the Holy Father wants to assure African Christians that he also cares for them.

Prince Henderson, ECM Communications Officer

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