Episcopal Conference of Malawi




By: ECM’s Stella Zulu


Nurses from Catholic institutions have been urged to take their ministry as a vocation so that the church continues the healing ministry of Jesus Christ because proclaiming and promoting the Kingdom of God includes Health Care


This was said by The Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Rev. Fr. Henry Saindi during the 55 years Golden Jubilee celebrations of St. John’s college of Nursing and Midwifery in Mzuzu diocese


The Secretary General congratulated Sisters of Medical Missionary of Mary (MMM) who established the college as a mission to train hospital warders. He said what the sisters began as a small enterprise has now become, and is now the Health Training Arm in the Diocese. Further to that, it is not only serving the Diocese of Mzuzu but the Nation as it is supplying Nurses and Midwives to Health Centres throughout Malawi.


Speaking to the products of Catholic nursing colleges, Fr. Saindi emphasized that it is the desire of the Bishops that those who come out of the colleges, should view their ministry as a vocation and not just a job that gives them a salary and other benefits at the end of a month.


 “This College, plus her sister ones, exist to provide training opportunities for the young ones, to learn and acquire necessary knowledge, skills and

appropriate attitudes as Health workers to provide care and related health services to all and at all levels across Malawi. It is by doing so that we continue as our vocation the healing ministry of Jesus Christ”. Said Fr. Henry Saindi


 Fr. Saindi also congratulated the Diocese of Mzuzu through His Lordship, John Ryan for successfully nursing and nurturing the institution up to this time of celebrating its 55th year. He said ECM  appreciates the spirit of family-hood that exist between the sister nursing schools in the church namely St. Joseph’s college of nursing and midwifery, Holy family college of Nursing and Midwifery and Trinity college of Nursing and Midwifery.


“As ECM, and as a Church, we enjoy pride from these institutions as their works and services are a clear testimony of our commitment as the Catholic Church in complementing Government’s efforts of improving Health Care Delivery Systems of Malawi through the development of Human Resources for Health” Said Fr. Saindi


He continued that the Church believes that development of Malawi depends on and corresponds with the health of her populace. Therefore,  the services being offered by its health institutions responds to Government’s call, through the Ministry of Health, which seeks for concerted efforts from all the stakeholders to support the development of human resources for health.


The secretary General lastly reminded the gathering about the Bishops’ November 2018 statement which calls upon the entire Catholic Church in Malawi and all people of goodwill to hold a tree planting week in the second week of January 2019. He said this is to adhere to Pope Francis’ message of being good stewards on the care of the environment which is our common home.

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