Episcopal Conference of Malawi


New Episcopal Conference of Malawi Office Bearers

New Episcopal Conference of Malawi Office Bearers


The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) wishes to inform the Catholic Community in Malawi and beyond, all partner organizations and groupings, and all people of good will, that in line with the Statutes governing the operations and internal organization of the assembly of Catholic Bishops in Malawi, the ECM has, as of Friday, 30th January, 2015, new office bearers.

The New Office Bearers

 Chairman (President) of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM)  His Grace Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa
 Vice Chairman of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM)  His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka
Episcopal Conference of Malawi Executive Committee
  • His Grace Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa (Chairman)
  • His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka (Member)
  • His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa (Member)
  • His Lordship Bishop Montfort Stima (Member)
Bishop-Chairman for the Catholic Secretariat His Grace Archbishop Tarcisius G. Ziyaye
Bishop-Chairman for Finance His Grace Archbishop Tarcisius Ziyaye
Delegate to Synods of Bishops His Grace Archbishop Thomas  Luke Msusa
Substitute-Delegate to Synods of Bishops His Lordship Bishop Emmanuel Kanyama
Bishop-Chairman for Seminaries His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka
Seminary Board of Governors
  • His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka (Chairman)
  • His Grace Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa Member)
  • His Grace Archbishop Tarcisius Ziyaye (Member)
Bishop-Chairman for the Association of Men Religious in Malawi (AMRIM), the Association of Religious Women in Malawi (ARIMA) and the Association of Diocesan Catholic Clergy of Malawi (ADCCOM) His Lordship Montfort Stima
Bishop-Chairman for Mixed Commission (AMRIM and ARIMA) His Lordship Bishop Montfort Stima
Bishop-Delegate for the Executive Board of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) His Grace Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa
Bishop Delegate for the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka
Bishop-Chairman for the Pastoral Commission His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa
Bishop-Chairman for Evangelization and Catechesis   His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa
Bishop-Chairman for Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue His Lordship Bishop Emmanuel Kanyama
Bishop-Chairman for the  Catholic Education Commission His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka
Bishop-Chairman for the Communications Commission His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka
Bishop-Chairman for the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) His Lordship Bishop Montfort Stima
Bishop-Chairman for the Catholic Development Commission (CADECOM) His Grace Archbishop Tarcisius Ziyaye
Bishop-Chairman for the Health  Commission His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa
Bishop Chairman for Liturgical Commission His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa
Bishop Chairman for Theological Commission His Grace Archbishop Tarcisius G. Ziyaye
Bishop Chairman for Child Protection His Lordship Bishop Montfort Stima
Bishop Chairman for Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) His Lordship Bishop Peter Musikuwa


Singed:                             Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo

Acting Secretary General – Episcopal Conference of Malawi

One thought on “New Episcopal Conference of Malawi Office Bearers

  1. Congratulations for the new office bearers of the ECM. May the Good Lord guide each one of them in their respective portfolios and make them worthy of the task assigned to them by the Lord. IT is our prayer that their joint efforts will make the Secretariat a success in its respective efforts to make the church a moving and advisory body of the start at large. I wish them well, once again CONGRATULATIONS to the successful Plenary!

  2. Congratulations to the new bishops office bearers. May the good Lord richly bless when they perform their task. Ntchito imene Mulungu adayiyamba mwa inu, ayitsirize.

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