Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Invitation to the Vigil Mass and Adoration

Invitation to the Vigil Mass and Adoration

Right Rev Montfort Stima
Right Rev Montfort Stima
Dear Friends in the vineyard of the Lord,

I continue to send you New Year greetings!

His Lordship Bishop Stima has asked me to communicate to you of the unfortunate incident that has happened in the Archdiocese. The Church building of Sts Simon and Jude (Chileka) Outchurch, of the Parish of Lunzu was attacked and broken into between the 1st and 5th January this year by unknown assailants. They forced the door of the tebarbacle open and went away with a Ciborium full of the Blessed Sacrament. The matter has since been reported to Police.

As every Catholic will know, this is a very serious and unfortunate incident that goes beyond ordinary burglary or theft. The intentions of whoever has done this heartbreaking act is not known and until now it has not been established where the Blessed Scarament has been taken to. It is with this in view, that the Administration of the Archdiocese of Blantyre in conjuction with the leadership of Lunzu Parish, and indeed the Community of the Lay faithfiul of Chileka Outchurch and Lunzu Parish are ofrganizing the following:

(1) Vigil Mass followed by hours of Adoration from 5 pm on Saturday, January 11th led by His Lordship Bishop Stima
(2) Solemn Mass on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Sunday, January 12th at 7 30am led by His Lordship Bishop Stima.

Priests, Religious Men and Women and members of the Lay Faithful are requested to enter into serious prayer and intense pious religious acts including fasting asking for revelation of the truth of the matter and asking God to lead our communities to repentance that will lead us to respect Him and retain the sense of the Sacred. As can be seen with this incident, humanity is going too far!

Again, priests, the Religious and members of the Lay faithful in the entire Archdiocese of Blantyre (those who can) are invited to join at the Vigil Mass and in the adoration on Saturday or join in the Mass on Sunday. Let us all show our unity even when others would want to shake us by attacking that which is at the core of our faith. The Holy Eucharist should never be subject to any rebuke in the life of the Church in this manner. Looking forward to seeing you either on Saturday or Sunday at Chileka Outchurch.

Please, let us share this information and invitation with friends and with others!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev Father Alfred Chaima, Pastoral Secretary, Archdiocese of Blantyre

One thought on “Invitation to the Vigil Mass and Adoration

  1. The action done by the unknown people at St Simon and Jude is indeed heartbreaking. But I believe it will not scatter the Catholic faithfuls. Only prayers can make the Church strong. No any powers on this earth can destroy our Church.

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