Episcopal Conference of Malawi


HOLD ON TO HUMAN AND CHRISTIAN VALUES: Bishop Chifukwa urges Children

HOLD ON TO HUMAN AND CHRISTIAN VALUES: Bishop Chifukwa urges Children

Catholic Children in the country have been urged to utilize the Christian values the Church teach them through various ministries so that they grow into responsible and empathetic citizens, able to solve their problems and those of others.

This was said by Rt Rev Bishop Adrian Chifukwa of Dedza diocese during the National Launch of Preparations for Missionary day for Children on Epiphany Sunday in the diocese. Bishop Chifukwa said there is need for children to grow with the ability to understand the problems faced by themselves and others and be able to provide solutions

“Society tends to concentrate so much on academic formation and give little attention to human and Christian formation of our Children. The Church through various ministries like Holy Childhood is doing its part and I urge all institutions like schools to start providing holistic education which teaches children to be human by giving them the ability to be responsible with themselves and others”. Said Bishop Chifukwa

The Bishop also encouraged families to fulfill their role of teaching children human characters to minimize the danger that comes with living out human formation in the children which makes society to suffer a lot.

“It is evident nowadays that many parents do not have the time to teach their children how to be human not only in words but also through how they live.  Many parents do not pay attention to their children because they are too busy with work, businesses and other things. Therefore, you find that the human formation part is lacking in families, schools and other institutions. This is dangerous especially in this modern world where human characters like Love towards one another are missing. This is why the Church encourages children to pray always so that they connect with God and understand that God wants in them a character that selves others”. Continued Bishop Chifukwa

On his part, the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) National Director, Rev Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa said Holy childhood is teaching children Christian values so they grow and transform the World into a better place full of Love and generosity towards others.

“Through Epiphany activities, the Church helps children to understand that they have a role to play in changing the World into a better place through prayer, giving and service.  This helps them to share and offer whatever they have joyfully and generously. For example, most Catholic schools, hospitals and support in orphanages in the country come from children. This is what we need today in our societies” Said Fr. Mwakwawa

In appreciation of how the Church through Holy childhood has impacted her life, Euphrezia Kamwachare from Bangwe parish in the Archdiocese of Blantyre, said she has learnt to Pray, serve others and unite with fellow children in contributing money and other materials for those in need.

“At our parish, we contributed money which was used to buy various items for Namulenga hospital, we also leant the importance of taking care of the environment and we planted trees which we take care of. I encourage my fellow children in all dioceses to share whatever they have with others because a lot of people need our help”. Said Euphrezia

She went on by calling on all parents to support the children’s activities and also allow their children to participate in holy childhood activities in the dioceses, parishes and small Christian communities as this will help the children to deepen their faith and grow into responsible citizens.

The launch of the preparations for Missionary day for children was the beginning of the two-month journey through which the Church in Malawi will be teaching children, animators, parents and all people the missionary obligations of children in the Church and society. Children will therefore, be contributing money to help others and praying for fellow children in the World and doing charity work.

2023 Missionary day for Children will be celebrated under the theme Communion in mission: serving fellow Children together with the Church. National celebrations will take place on 08th January, 2023 at Dedza parish in the diocese of Dedza.



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