Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Fr Benito Kamoto laid to rest at Limbe Cathedral Cemetery

Fr Benito Kamoto laid to rest at Limbe Cathedral Cemetery

By Arkangel Tembo

Fr. Benito KamotoThree Bishops of the Roman Cathoilc Church in Malawi led thousands of people to mourn Rev.Fr. Benito Kamoto of Lunzu Parish who passed away on Thursday.

The Bishop were Archbishop Thomas Msusa of Blantyre Archdiocese , Bishop Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa diocese and Bishop Montfort Stima of Mangochi diocese.

The late Fr. Kamoto died at Mlambe Hospital after a short illness a few minutes when he finished conducting night mass.

Fr. Kamoto was laid to rest on Monday at Limbe Cathedral cemetery in a funeral ceremony which was attended by thousands of catholic faithful.

In a funeral mass held at Limbe Cathedral Archbishop Msusa, who was the main celebrant, described the death of Fr Kamoto as a big blow to the Roman catholic church because they are losing priests frequently.
Early this year, Blantyre Archdiocese also lost Rev. Fr Joseph Makina in February.

“Iam deeply concerened by this death because it was in February when we were here to bury the late Fr Makina. What is happening to our priests. Please God were are begging you to forgive us. Priests are the ones who run parishes on our behalf and administer sacraments to the christians,” said His Lordship.

Delivering his eulogy, Fr. Clifton Muhero , National Executive member of Associaition of Diocesan Catholic Clergy of Malawi ( ADCCOM), said that the whole church in Malawi was taken by surprise at hearing about the death of Fr Kamoto who remained faithful and dedicated to his duties.

His journey to priesthood started in 1973 when he joined St Pius XII minor seminary and proceeded to Kachebere and St. Peters major seminary in 1978 and 1981 respectively.

He was ordained priest on 21 July, 1985 by late Bishop James Chiona and served in the following parishes, Neno, Mloza, St Louise Montfort, Kadikira, Mzedi and Lunzu.

The late Fr. Kamoto was born on 2 December 1956 at Sagawa Village, T/A Kadewere in Chiradzulu district.

The writer of this story works for Malawi News Agency and he is a Catholic Journalist from the Archdiocese of Blantyre.ECM Communications Department encourages other Catholic Journalists to file stories from their dioceses and Parishes with us.

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