Episcopal Conference of Malawi


First Annual Plenary Meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi

First Annual Plenary Meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi

Press Release: First Annual Plenary Meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi, the umbrella body of the Catholic Bishops in Malawi, is holding its first Annual Plenary meeting from Monday, 26th to Friday, 30th January, 2015.

The meeting which is being held at the Catholic Secretariat in Lilongwe is attended by all the Catholic Bishops in Malawi.

The meeting will among other things,
• discuss and endorse implementation of the 18th AMECEA Plenary Assembly Resolutions in Malawi
• discuss the progress for the preparatory activities of the 18th AMECEA Thanks Giving Mass scheduled for 31st January, 2015 at Don Bosco Parish –Archdiocese of Lilongwe
• discuss the report on Ad limina apostolorum visit to the Holy Father, Pope Francis and tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome from 5th to 12th November, 2014
• discuss matters pertaining to Catholic University of Malawi(CUNIMA), St. Peter’s and St. Anthony’s Major Seminaries
• discuss and endorse the following documents:
-the Constitution for Catholic Charismatic Renewal
-the Constitution for Catholic Women Organisation
• appraise the social and political environment in Malawi today
• reflect on the flooding in the country and consider possible interventions
• receive Progress and Status Reports from ecumenical filial bodies
• conduct elections of office bearers for the Conference and Commissions at the Catholic Secretariat

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo
Acting Secretary General-Episcopal Conference of Malawi

Date: 26th January, 2015

One thought on “First Annual Plenary Meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi

  1. I would like to wish the Entire Episcopal Conference of Malawi successful deliberations during the 1st Plenary session f the Conference from 26th January to 30th January 2015; and I hereby express my deepest condolences to the conference at this meeting which is the first after the sad lost of their brother Bishop late Rt Rev Bishop Joseph Mukasa Zuza, May his Soul Rest in Eternal Peace. I know it will not be easy for the conference, but the Lord’s hand shall offer them the best during these had times. The Lord is always capable of working miracles even out of the worst situation.

    Thank you.
    C R Mtapaonga Msiska

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