Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM Urges Catholic Communications, Bishops Secretaries to be proactive

ECM Urges Catholic Communications, Bishops Secretaries to be proactive

IMG_3312Written by Fr. Alfred Likhucha & Prince Henderson-ECM

IMG_3280The Episcopal Conference of Malawi’s (ECM) National Communications Secretary, Fr. Andrew Kaufa, has urged all the Diocesan Communications and Bishop’s Secretaries in the country to be proactive in their respective communications offices.

Fr. Kaufa said this at Bethany Centre in Lilongwe on Monday 14th January 2014 during the official opening of a three day workshop for all diocesan Communications and Bishop’s Secretaries in the country.

“There are so many key challenges we face as communicators and there are so many things that are taking place within the church nationally and also locally it is up to us to take up such issues to the public before the message is distorted by the same public.” Kaufa said.

As a way of equipping the participants the ECM engaged Dr. Francis Chikunkhuzeni, Director of Continuing Education Centre at University of Malawi’s Polytechnic, Mr. John Mchilikizo of Malawi News Agency (MANA) and Fr. Eugene Ngoma presented topics on News/Press Statement Writing, Understanding the Malawi Digital Migration Project and the Church and Social Communications respectively.

IMG_3275Participants will also gain experiences on various communication subjects from other media consultants like Horace Nyaka and Arthur Chipenda who are NAMISA members.

ECM is aiming at promoting collaboration and networking in the dioceses having noted that there are at times no clear limits for Bishop’s Secretaries, Communications Secretaries and Local Clergy Secretaries when it comes to disseminating information in the dioceses.

It wants to put clear demarcations on who should do what in the diocese in order to promote and enhance efficiency of communications and avoid communication chaos in the dioceses.

Participants are from all the eight dioceses in Malawi namely; Karonga, Mzuzu, Dedza, Mangochi, Zomba and Chikwawa Dioceses together with Blantyre and Lilongwe Archdioceses.

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