Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM strengthens its bilateral ties with Norway

ECM strengthens its bilateral ties with Norway

Fr. BuleyaThe Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) says it values a lot the relationship that exists between the Malawi Catholic Church and the Norwegian partners.

ECM’s Secretary General, Father George Buleya said this when he returned from Norway where he held talks with a number of partners including the Caritas Norway, Bible Society of Norway and the Norwegian Church Aid.

“Indeed I was there for a Christian Council of Norway meeting which engaged Church leaders on Human Righ
ts and Theology. I was also privileged to present a paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health from the Catholic Church perspective,” said Fr. Buleya

He said his presentation tackled on Sexual and Reproductive Health issues among which were those dealing with HIV/AIDS, Contraceptives, abortion and same sex relations.

Father Buleya then said the Malawi Catholic Church appreciates the support that the Norwegian Church Aid renders and looks forward to a strong partnership in future.

He said the Norwegian Church Aids supports programs implemented by the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP), a development which is benefiting a lot of Malawians.

According to Father Buleya, Caritas Norway has also shown interest to support the Catholic Development Commission of Malawi (CADECOM) programs in some districts of the country.

Similarly, Father Buleya said, the Church will also benefit from Biblical material already developed by the Bible Society of Norway.

Apart from a busy schedule that Father Buleya had with the Norwegian Partners, the ECM Secretary General had an opportunity also to Celebrate Mass with Catholic Christians in Norway.

Norway has a 5 percent of Catholic Christians as the Norwegian Church dominates the larger population
Fr. Buleya

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