Episcopal Conference of Malawi





The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), through the Pontifical Mission Societies on Sunday the 10th March,2024 launched the Vocation’s Sunday at St. Martin de Porres Parish (Ngerenge) in Karonga Diocese.

The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday, and is marked as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The purpose of this day is to fulfil Jesus’ instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38). While appreciating all vocations, the Church concentrates her attention on raising up shepherds for God’s people – vocations to Holy Orders (the priesthood and diaconate) and to the religious life – while encouraging all who are discerning their vocation to pray more earnestly that they may hear and respond to God’s call.

And this year it falls on 21st April 2024, in readiness for this day, the office of the Pontifical Mission Societies at National level in conjunction with Karonga Diocese chose Ngerenge at the designated parish for the National event while at the same time encouraging each diocese and parish to do likewise.

This year the Day evolves around the theme ‘Go and invite everyone to the Banquet’.

In his homily Fr Bernard Silungwe, who represented Bishop Martin Anwell Mtumbuka and speaking on his capacity as the Vocation’s Director of Karonga Diocese, challenged all that it’s high time that Christians embrace new evangelization and convert. He wondered as to why after years of Christian existence in the country, Christians are still embracing syncretism and double-standard-ness of life. Maybe we have only accepted faith so that we may be honoured Christian Burial when all is said and done”, he lamented. On top of that, Fr Bernard encouraged the youth to love education and do their part in life as they seek God’s help. “Education is key to your future, and remember Grace builds on nature.

Lilongwe Youth hands over the Missionary Candle


Speaking at the Function, the PMS National Director, Fr Peter Madeya expressed gratitude to the diocese of Karonga for accepting to host the national event for this year, in particular for choosing St. Martin de Porres (Ngerenge Parish). He retaliated to the homily by saying true faith in the Lord enables others to meet Christ. He thanked the youth for ably preparing and taking a leading role in preparation for the occasion and he was hopeful that the actual event will even be more colourful.

‘I beg you’ said Fr Madeya who also doubles as the National Laity council coordinator, “as the youth of Lilongwe archdiocese have handled over to you the candle and Mission Rosary to you,symbolizing active participation, work hard in making and reaching out to many that fellow youth may know and serve  Christ’. He concluded by reminding all the three core values of PMS; prayer, service and monetary contribution to the Universal Fund for the greater Mission of the Church.

Also present at the event were: Fr Francis Damaseke, the new Youth National Coordinator, Fr Thomas Msalala the PMS Director of Lilongwe archdiocese, Fr Mathews Simwela the PMS Director of Karonga diocese, Fr Luke Sulumba PMS Director of Dedza diocese and the Parish Priest of Ngerenge Parish Fr Nelson Arockiasamy Durisingam of the Missionaries of St. Francis De sales (MSF).

Ngerenge Parish is one of the new parishes in the diocese of Karonga as it was established in 2021 and handed over to the Missionaries of St. Francis De sales in March 2022. It is located 25 kilometers from Karonga town.


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