Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM commends Kachebere’s administration

ECM commends Kachebere’s administration

Sam Kalimba


The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has commended the new administration of the St. Anthony (Kachebere) Major Seminary located in the Catholic Archdiocese of Lilongwe for the strides so far made after the reopening.

Speaking on the occasion of the 2021 Cassock’s Day Celebration on Saturday, 17 July, 2021 ECM’s Bishop Chairman responsible for Seminaries and Education, His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Catholic Diocese of Karonga was thankful to the Sulpician priests who are providing the administration services at the Seminary.

“Thanks to the Rector, Fr. Patrick Simutowe and your fellow Sulpician priests for transforming the Kachebere Major Seminary. It was in 2018, that the seminary had to close due to shortage of members of staff (formators). When you, the Sulpicians from Zambia were contacted, you gladly accepted to come and assist. Your presence means a lot to the Church in Malawi and it was good that we had such challenges that we see what Kachebere is now,” said Bishop Mtumbuka.

He however, was very quick to emphasize the point that the Sulpician priests are not there to stay for good and that Malawian priests should learn to accept them and appreciate the good work they are doing at Kachebere as a matter of transitioning. He also thanked the Malawian priests who are working in collaboration with this team of priests of the Society of St. Sulpice.

“To you my fellow Malawian Clergy who are working in close collaboration with our brother priests of the Society of St. Sulpice, I firstly salute you and secondly extend our Episcopal blessings for your kind gesture that is defined in your spirit of humility and hard work. We urge you to keep up the spirit until we achieve the objectives of the Seminary,” added Bishop Mtumbuka.

The Seminary welcomed 46 young men who received their cassocks. His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka applauded the first-year seminarians for having taken a step further on their journey towards priesthood. He encouraged them to respond to the Lord positively as Samuel did (1 Samuel 3:1-11).


In his homily, His Lordship drew the lesson from Jesus’ life that seminarians ought to have a spirit of detachment from worldly things if they are to become good and effective priests in future. Here he referred to material things and bad behaviors.

“Jesus died on the cross naked. He accepted to die such a humiliating death in order to save humanity. He did not cling to his glory as son of God. So, learn to be like him,” preached His Lordship.

He also told them to avoid debauchery, that is, immoral behaviors involving sex, drugs and alcohol. He emphasized the point that the Church needs holy priests/ministers whose lives can have an impact on the people they are ministering. The bishop also pointed that when the seminarians encounter problems they will need to turn to the Eucharist in order to gain strength to face such problems or to Jesus himself the owner of priestly vocation.

Of the 46 Seminarians, 8 are from the Diocese of Chikwawa; 10 are from the Archdiocese of Blantyre; 6 are from the Diocese of Dedza; 3 are from Diocese of Karonga; 8 are from the Archdiocese of Lilongwe; 3 are from the Diocese of Mangochi and 8 from the Diocese of Mzuzu with none from the Diocese of Zomba.



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