CPLO challenges parliamentarians to do Politics with a Merciful Gaze

Written by Prince Henderson, ECM Communications Officer

Lucias Banda receives Arshes from Fr. ChinkandaThe Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) recently celebrated holy mass at Parliament Building in Lilongwe with Malawi Catholic Members of Parliament who are currently seating for the midyear review budget where among others; parliamentarians were challenged to do politics with a merciful gaze.

The Officer responsible, Fr. Henry Chinkanda said the call for parliamentarians to do politics with a merciful gaze was in line the entire Catholic Church which is celebrating the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Reflecting on Lord’s words as found in Mathew 5: 7 that state; “Blessed are the merciful for God will be merciful to them”, Fr. Chinkanda reminded the Members of the August House that they too are invited to embrace this wonderful gift of God by being merciful politicians in exercising their national responsibility.

He called on Politicians in Malawi the adhere to Pope Francis’ advice, who recently said, let politicians not build walls of resentment, rather, let them construct bridges of dialogue to establish good relationship.

“To be a good Christian as a Politician is to be a bridge of dialogue, love and reconciliation as a result of being merciful. Resentment breeds hatred and hatred breeds death,” said Fr. Chinkanda, adding that “Don’t raise your voice in the August House – rather improve your argument by means of mutual dialogue and mercy.”

Over fifty Catholic Members of Parliament and staff were in attendance during the holy mass.

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