Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Health Commission

The Catholic Health Commission (CHC) was established in 2004.


SECRETARY GENERAL     : Rev. Fr. valeriano Mtseka

Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM)
Catholic Secretariat
P.O. Box 30384
Lilongwe 3

WEBSITE                               : www.ecmmw.org
PHONE NUMBER                 :  (+265) 01 775 073
FAX NUMBER                       : (+265) 01 772 019
CELL NUMBER                    : (+265) 888 551 837
E-MAIL                                  : ecm@ecmmw.org/valerianomtseka@yahoo.co.uk
SKYPE                                    : 



Name Organization Phone E-mail Comments
BR. PASCAL MTUWANA ECM +265 882 611 080 Director of Social Directorate
Sr. Elizabeth Namputa ECM +265 888 548 864 National Health Coordinator
Mrs. Mariana Nyawenda National Office +265 995 187 666 mariananyawenda@gmail.com Projects Coordinator
Louis Ng’oma Chikwawa CHC 0999 073 269 lewismnyema@gmail.com Health Coordinator
Mr. George Matope Mzuzu CHC 0881377166 mzuzuchc@gmail.com Health Coordinator
Mr. Richard Kumwenda Mangochi CHC 0995 825 127 richard80@yahoo.com


Health Coordinator
Mr. Vincent Shawa Karonga CHC 0996 57 2 100 vincentshawa@yahoo.com


Acting Health Coordinator
Mr. Boniface Banda Lilongwe CHC 0991 166 973 bonbanda@hotmail.com


Health Coordinator
Fr. Ignantious Suedi Zomba CHC 0883 322 855 chc@zombadioceseresearch.org Health Coordinator
Mr.  Robin Ngalande  Dedza CHC 0999953865 robinngalande@rocketmail.com Health Coordinator

Tel: (+265-1) 775 095
E-mail: ecmhealth@ecmmw.org



Healthy people assisted by a Holy Spirit filled family of God committed to the provision of equitable, sustainable and quality health care for all regardless of gender, race, color and religion.

To continue the Healing Ministry of Christ through the promotion of human life, the provision of preventive, curative and rehabilitative services in a holistic manner, through participation in collaborative networks and partnerships, in accordance with the needs and capacities of the communities, and in line with Catholic core values and principles.

To coordinate the health services and programmes implemented by the Church.

Catholic Health Commission runs a number of institutions as follows:

  • Training Colleges – 5
  • Hospitals – 26
  • Health Centres – 54
  • Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres – 1

In addition to the running of the institutions, Catholic Health Commission also runs the following community based programs:

  • Home Based Care (HBC)
  • Community Based Child Care Centres
  • Integrated HIV and AIDS Response

Catholic Health Commission is serving a population of approximately two million Malawians. Most services are provided at a fee except Home Based Care, immunizations and nutrition rehabilitation which are free.
Where a district health office has signed a service level agreement with the health institution, the costs are shared between the two parties and patients are accessing the service without paying a user fee.


The Bishop Chair
Rt. Rev. John Ryan
Diocese of Mzuzu
P.O. Box 2, Mzuzu
Tel: +265 1303 343/ 01930 033

Fax: (+265) 01 303 470


Health Secretary
Mrs. Bertha Magomero
Catholic Secretariat
P.O. Box 30384, Lilongwe 3
Tel: +265 1 775 095
Cell: 0888710519/0993852852

Archdiocese of Blantyre
Health Secretary
Ms. Mary Ganiza
P.O. Box 385, Blantyre
Tel: +265 8 352 523

Diocese of Chikwawa
Health Secretary
Mrs. Emily Kayimba
P.O. Box 162, Chikwawa
Tel: +265 1 420 256/365

Diocese of Dedza
Health Secretary
Mr. Robin Ngalande
P.O. Box 80, Dedza
Tel: +265 1 223 264/561

Diocese of Lilongwe
Health Secretary
Mrs. Regina Nyang’wa
P.O. Box 631, Lilongwe
Tel: +265 1 766 628/645

Diocese of Mangochi
Health Secretary
Mrs. Regina Mankhamba
P.O. Box 266, Mangochi
Tel: +265 1 594 288

Diocese of Mzuzu
Health Secretary
Rev. Sr. Maria Nyirenda
P.O. Box 2, Mzuzu
Tel: +265 1 303 189

Diocese of Zomba
Health Secretary
Mrs. Asha Michongwe
P.O. Box 115, Zomba
Tel: +265 1 526 919
Since 2006 forty [40] catholic health institutions (50%) have signed a service level agreement which in the majority of cases covers maternal and neonatal health services. <<<Read More>>>


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