Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Change is possible for Mzuzu Diocese–Says Bishop Ryan

Change is possible for Mzuzu Diocese–Says Bishop Ryan

Written by Augustine Kambuzi Banda, ECM Correspondent

The Catholic Diocese of Mzuzu has embarked on a project to develop a strategic plan which will help in the smooth running of the Diocese.

The idea comes in after Bishop John Ryan was ordained as the New Bishop of the Diocese following the Death of his predecessor late Bishop Joseph Mkasa Zuza.

Confirming the development to Radio Tigabane, Bishop John Alphonsus Ryan, said the strategic plan will help in evangelization of its Christians and people of good will. He said the diocese is for the people, therefore it was worthy that they also contribute on how the diocese should run its affairs.

“After making several consultations with people on how they want the diocese to be run in Parishes and Diocesan Institutions, I came to realize that people had good ideas which could help in the evangelization to the faithful and people of good will in the diocese, this will help the diocese to run properly”, Said Bishop Ryan.

Speaking in an interview Fr Edmond Nyoka; Pastoral Secretary for Mzuzu Diocese, said the strategic plan will help the clergy in pastoral work which was very difficult at first to carry out without the plan.

“The strategic plan will help us to reach catechumens, administer sacraments and impart the social teaching of our church to all catholic faithful of which at first was very difficult task to accomplish without a proper plan. Now with this development, people will be able to work properly because everyone will know what to do under the jurisdiction of his office”, said Fr Nyoka.

In the same interview, Fr Tony Mfune, Finance and investment Officer for the diocese, said the Strategic plan will help to control finances for the diocese, he agreed that for decades the diocese was unable to track down the proper use of its finances which read to the failure of some projects.

“Now our finances will be controlled properly which will also help in projects that the diocese is undertaking so that they are ran properly, at first it was very difficult to follow up on such projects”, Said Fr Mfune.

“We had challenges in running Katoto Filling Station which read to its closure, but now with the implementation of this strategic plan all these challenges will diminish”, He added

Speaking on behalf of other diocesan institutions, the Coordinator for Catholic Commission for Peace and Justice Arnold Msimuko, acknowledged the development will help the Diocesan Institutions to impart their services in line with the objectives of the diocese.

The Diocese of Mzuzu has remained for decades without a proper strategic plan, let alone the Diocesan Directory which help the clergy undertake their pastoral work.

According to the consultant, the strategic plan will be finalized by the end of February 2017 and later launched by the Bishop of Diocese.

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