Episcopal Conference of Malawi




By: ECM’s Stella Zulu Kaferapanjira

The Catholic Faithful community in the country has been advised to develop the culture of reading the bible every day for them to properly understand and be able to share with others the Church’s liturgical celebrations, rituals, ceremonies and other activities and deepen their faith.

This was said during the Eucharist celebration of 1st September, 2019 which marked the launch of the Bible month at Sacred Heart parish in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

Speaking during the ceremony, bible coordinator for the Archdiocese Rev Fr. Henry Zulu said those who are baptized are sent to proclaim the gospel. The missionary work therefore needs deep understanding of the word of God which can only be achieved by developing the hunger to hear and read God’s word.

He continued that this year’s bible month is soon before the Extraordinary Mission month October 2019, which also reminds every baptized Catholic of their duties to share the word of God to the whole world.  Reading the bible everyday therefore, is crucial as they cannot share what they don’t have in their hearts.

In his remarks, the bible ambassador for the New Catholic Answer Bible, Dr. Saulosi Chilima said many Catholics do not know why some Church rituals and ceremonies are done. He said many Catholics are easily challenged by other religions and find it difficult to stand firm for their Catholic faith. The introduction of the New Catholic Answer Bible which contains 88 commonly asked questions and their answers therefore, is to help such Catholics understand their Catholicity and deepen their Christianity.

“I urge all Catholic families to buy the bible for each of their family members, it is through reading the bible that we will be able to explain why we pray the Rosary, ask Saints to pray for us and why the sacrament of anointing of the sick. This bible month should help us deepen our understanding of these things and nurture in us the hunger to read God’s words every day”. Said the bible ambassador

The whole month of September, reminds all Catholic Christians of the importance of reading the bible every day in their homes and small Christian communities so that they listen to God’s will and stay connected to him always.



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