Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Parliamentarians Celebrate Pre-festival Pentecost Mass

Catholic Parliamentarians Celebrate Pre-festival Pentecost Mass

Fr Henry Chimkanda PixThe Parliamentary Liaison Office of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) recently celebrated a Pre-festival Pentecost Mass with Catholic Members of Malawi Parliament and Cabinet Ministers from the Catholic Church.

Parliamentary Liaison Officer, Fr. Henry Chinkanda, presided the celebration, which was held at Parliament Buildings under the theme “Since we are living in the Spirit, let our behavior and actions be guided the same Spirit”.

“The theme of the celebration was taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Galatians 5: 25,”said Fr. Chinkanda elaborated the Christian symbols of the Holy Spirit such as fire, the hand and finger among others.

Fr. Chinkanda reminded the Parliamentarians that it was by the finger of God that the electorate voted each one of them into Parliament and it must always be borne in mind that it is God himself who has chosen them as his servants to lead his people in this country.

“The Holy Spirit descended on the Jesus’ disciples in form of tongues of fire. Fire has a transformative power and indeed, Malawi today, more than ever before, needs transformative leadership that can steer the citizenry of this country from the trap of perpetual poverty and moral decadence,” he said.

Fr. Chinkanda prayed that the Politicians lean on the hand of the Lord so as to be guided by the Holy Spirit during their tenure of office for next four years to come.

He also stressed on the need for equitable distribution of resources as a theological reflection in view of the current budget session at Parliament

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