Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Children Celebrate Sunday of Epiphany

Catholic Children Celebrate Sunday of Epiphany

Group Photo after Mass
Group Photo after Mass
Children wishing Bishop Stima a Happy New Year
Children wishing Bishop Stima a Happy New Year

Thousands of Catholic Children drawn from all the Parishes in the Diocese of Mangochi, last week Sunday gathered at Balaka, St Louis Catholic Parish to join the rest of Catholic Children and the faithful in celebrating the Sunday of Epiphany of the Lord.

This Sunday which is also known as the Universal Sunday for Society of Holy Childhood or Missionary Children’s Day of prayer and collection of money for Universal Mission Solidarity Fund to support children in the whole world.

The National Office of Pontifical Mission Society (PMS) in each country in the world is the one that promotes the day through various activities hence Balaka Parish hosted the national celebration which was marked by the Holy Eucharistic celebration presided over by Bishop Montfort Stima of Mangochi diocese, social activities by children and a live performance of Allelua Band.

In his homily during the Eucharistic celebration, Stima challenged the children to be sources of light to the world by demonstrating their Christian values hence build a strong foundation for their present endeavors in spreading the gospel to fellow children and that they are the future leaders in the society.

“In these days, many want to put off the light by bringing in believes which are contrary to Christian values. I therefore urge you to do right things always and avoid bad things, and do not allow the secular ideas to mislead you. Keep close to Christ through prayer and charity so that you can sustain the light of Christ in your life” said Bishop Stima.

According to Bishop Stima, the nation including the Church is relying on the Children today to evangelize fellow children and adults, on top of preparing them to take up leadership positions in future hence urged parents to take good care of their children as a way of building a reputable foundation on them.

“Kindly let me appeal to you parents to take care of your Children and love them. Let’s educate our children so that they grow with Christian values, become future Bishops, Priests, Nuns and of course run the affairs of this country either in public or private sector,” Bishop Stima told the jam-packed faithful who gathered in the magnificent Balaka Parish which is over fifty years now.

Adding his voice, national director for Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa advised the children to use prayer as a weapon for their day-to-day success.

“You know, prayer is a powerful tool for your success. Pray the Missionary Rosary every day and pray for your fellow children who are suffering elsewhere so that they see the light of the Lord at the end of the day,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

Fr. Mwakhwawa said on the Holy Childhood Day, the Church has basically four aims that it strives to achieve.

“We pray for all children in the world so that they should be under the protection and guidance of Child Jesus hence the name Holy Childhood. We also give a chance to children to take an active role in the Liturgy so that gradually they can grow into missionaries who later will serve the Church and the world as adults,” he said.

According to Fr. Mwakhwawa, the day is also aimed at encouraging the faithful especially children to contribute money through the ordinary offertory of Sunday service or through a well-organized special collection or a Paper Sunday with an aim of increasing the Sunday collection of that day to support other needy children in the world.

Finally, Fr. Mwakhwawa said the day which falls within the Liturgical Calendar of the Church is also aimed at demonstrating solidarity with the whole Church and the whole world in helping children who have not heard the Gospel of Salvation and helping those who are suffering because of various reasons.

Vera Chipele, one of the children who acted at a Presenter for Luntha Television and Radio Maria since broadcasting and presentation for all Catholic media houses on this particular day is done by the children themselves said she was delighted to note that the Church recognizes and gives them chance to serve.

“I am very happy and thankful to our mother Church for setting up this day to accord us an opportunity to take lead of the Liturgy in the Church and handle all radio and television presentation. We are empowered in such a way,” said Vera who dreams to become a journalist in future.

The day was celebrated under the theme: Let the little children come to me,do not stop them.

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