Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Bishop Zuza Clarifies On Outcomes of Synod of Bishops on Family in Rome: “No Same-Sex Marriages within the Catholic Church”

Bishop Zuza Clarifies On Outcomes of Synod of Bishops on Family in Rome: “No Same-Sex Marriages within the Catholic Church”

Bishop Joseph ZuzaThe Chairperson for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, His Lordship Bishop Joseph Mukasa Zuza has reiterated that that Catholic Church Values and acknowledges Christian families unlike speculated reports in the press that the just ended Synod of Bishops on families in Vatican, Rome had agreed to acknowledge same-sex marriages and homosexuality acts.

Bishop Zuza was speaking in an exclusive with interview with ECM Communications Department when he returned from Vatican, Rome where he attended the synod which run from 5th to 19th October,2014.

“As the Catholic Church, we value families which are comprised of a man and woman.We also acknowledges those families that are blessed with children and not otherwise, “said Bishop Zuza.

According to Bishop Zuza,the issue of homosexuality came in at the synod as they were looking at the issue of the family and not necessarily as topical issue on the agenda.

Bishop Zuza who is also the Bishop for Mzuzu diocese said Africa is being affected with this issue of donor dependence but as far as the African Church is concerned, that will not motivate them to accept homosexuality in Africa.

He expressed concerns with some Western Influences that are advocating and advancing their wishes to same-sex marriages.

“If homosexuality is allowed here in African then whats the meaning of stopping our Christians from let’s say a man marrying two or three wives (Mitala in vernacular language)?,”wondered Bishop Zuza.

Commenting on the issue,the Deputy Secretary General for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi,Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo said the just ended synod of Bishops on Family was very crucial as it strengthens the Church’s values and principles.

“You know the Catholic Church has its own procedures and nobody can just work up today and make his or her own decision or change the law.We are guided by the Holy Spirit through our leaders like the Bishops,so whatever has been spoken about in the press is just as rumors and not as truth as the stand of the Church,”he said.

Just to conquer with His Lordship Bishop Zuza,the Synod looked at a family “ as a man and woman in a blessed marriage,a man and woman who are just staying.The synod then looked at the issue of homosexuality and the resolutions to that issue have not come out yet”.He then advised Catholic faithful and others not to be carried away with what has been speculated rather they should stick to their Catholic faithful.

As a matter of way forward, Bishop Zuza said each conference will deliberate, scrutinize and make its own informed decision on the issues that have been discussed during the synod and later come submit the decision to the next synod which comes next year.

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