Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Bishop Tambala urges Catholics to contribute handsomely towards preparations for World Mission Day

Bishop Tambala urges Catholics to contribute handsomely towards preparations for World Mission Day

The Bishop of the Diocese of Zomba, Very Rev George Desmond Tambala has urged Catholic Christians to prepare well and contribute handsomely their resources in preparation for World Mission Day.

The Bishop made the remarks on Sunday, the 27th June 2021 at St Vincent De Paul(Katamba) Parish during the launch of preparation period for World Mission Sunday celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of October every year.

“Christians should understand their mission in the Church, they should know that everyone from today has a role to play in preparing for the World Mission Day. Christians should be trained and the message should be spread to everyone in the diocese and especially here at Katamba as a new parish so that they are motivated and encouraged, at the same time deepening their faith so that they can learn and understand their role in the Church and what mission Sunday is all about,” Said the Bishop.

Speaking in an interview after the launch, PMS National Director Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa urged the Christians at Katamba parish to be instruments of missionary work by spreading to others what they have heard and seen.

“The important thing that guides everything is Prayer, the people here will the taught how to pray and we have arranged that the animators will be coming here to teach them everything they need to know. It is my sincere hope that Catholics in the country will take this three-month period as one that will help them enrich their Christian faith and above all offer service to the Church” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

He continued that His Holiness Pope Francis said World Mission Day this year will be celebrated under the theme “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20) which is a summon to each of us to “own” and to bring to others what we bear in our hearts.

Chairman of the Laity in Zomba Diocese Mr. Sandfor said he is grad that the Church in Malawi has chosen Zomba diocese to hold this year’s national world mission Day celebrations and he promised that the diocese will do the best.

“The Church has given us yet another rare opportunity to show our commitment in ensuring that the gospel reaches the ends of the world.  I encourage all Christians in the diocese to hold hands during this period through service and spreading the gospel. “said Sandfor.

The Church has set aside the month of October as a mission Month, a time for serious animation in preparation for the Mission Sunday. Pope Pius XI instituted this day in 1926 so that the Society for the propagation of Faith should have a month and a day of prayer and collection of money for the mission of the Church in the whole world.

This year’s celebration will be under the theme “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard,” from Acts 4:20

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