Episcopal Conference of Malawi




Bishop Montfort Stima, of Mangochi Diocese who is also the Vice Chairperson of Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), has called on all Catholics and people of good will in the country and beyond to use October, the mission month to pray for missionary activities of the Catholic Church and challenges affecting the country.

He says Malawians need to pray for the current economic crisis, good rains and the war between Russia-Ukraine which has affected the international supply chain, not spearing Malawi.

He said this on the opening day of the mission month at St. Montfort Parish in Machinga district under the Diocese of Mangochi on the theme “You will be my witness…to the end of the world,” (Act 1;8).

The National Director for Pontifical Mission Societies, Father Vincent Mwakhwawa added that the Church’s many activities and programs need prayers so that many people are reached with the gospel of salvation. He also called upon people to pray for global and local challenges that are affecting the missionary work of the Church. “Selfishness among duty bearers in Church or political circles greatly affect lives of the poor Malawians”, he laments. He therefore called upon all Catholics and people of good will to pray for all those in leadership position so that they be guided by the Holy Spirit and be transformed for the sake many people who depend on them for direction and progress.

This opening of the October Mission month celebration started with prayers of the Holy Rosary praying for the missionary activities of the Church followed by the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Bishop Stima.

In this month of October, the Bishops Conference through the National PMS and Pastoral Commission offices have proposed three main activities to carried out every day for the thirty one days of October at all Small Christian Communities in all parishes: Praying the missionary rosary and other prayers for mission, teaching and animating each other on message of the Holy Father, about four missionary jubilees and missionary obligations of the baptized and collection money for universal Missionary activities of the Church.

The Catholic Church in the whole world every year cerebrates October as a missionary month, this year it has additional cerebration of four mission anniversary. The cerebration will reach its climax on 23 October 2022, the World Mission Sunday. The October activities will be closed on 31 October 2022.

(By Charles Pangani)




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