Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Bishop Mtumbuka opens boarding secondary school

Bishop Mtumbuka opens boarding secondary school


Bishop for Karonga Diocese, His Lordship Martin Mtumbuka Tuesday officially opened a boarding secondary school in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Nthalire in Chitipa district constructed to the tune of €265, 000 (over K223 million).

Bishop Mtumbuka;St. Ignatius of Loyola in Nthalire will be the second boarding secondary school in the district by the Karonga Diocese following the establishment of Kaseghe Girls Boarding Secondary School in the area of TA Mwabulambia.

St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School constructed with financial support from the Umutaluwabo and Johanesbee foundations from Germany will enroll both boys and girls across the district.

Speaking when he presided over the opening ceremony, Mtumbuka urged his donor partners to continue supporting Malawi in order to address the problem of poverty and illiteracy in rural areas.

“Children in Nthalire are amongst those from the poorest families in the country who strive for access to quality education; as such, we need your assistance in order to bail them out,” Mtumbuka said.

He urged parents in the area to take full responsibility of the education of their children.

Mtumbuka said it is sad to note that there is a growing trend by parents in the district who fail to provide school fees to their children.

“Unlike in the past when our parents were toiling hard to find school fees for us well in advance, it is very surprising and worrisome to note that some parents wait until when their children have been selected to secondary school to start looking for fees,” the Bishop explained.

St. Ignatius of Loyola in Nthalire will be the second boarding secondary school in the district by the Karonga Diocese following the establishment of Kaseghe Girls Boarding Secondary School in the area of TA Mwabulambia.

Northern Division Education Manager, Temwa Msiska commended the Roman Catholic Church for working together with government to address illiteracy in the country.

Currently, St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School, which has both Biology and Physical Science laboratories has an enrollment of 140 Form 1 students.

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