Episcopal Conference of Malawi





Bishop George Desmond Tambala of Zomba Diocese who is also Archbishop-elect of Lilongwe Archdiocese has urged Catholic Christians to be Messengers of good News by preaching and doing the word of God.

The remarks were made on Sunday 24th October 2021 during National Celebration of World Mission Sunday at St Vincent De Paul (Katamba) Parish in Zomba Diocese.

“Being messengers of good news involves being part of what is going on around us. World Mission Sunday is a call not only to preach the word of God but also to be involved in the lives of people. So, areas like Health, Education, Justice and peace as well as community development are but part of the mission of the Church,” said bishop Tambala

In his homily during the mass the Bishop Tambala also stressed the need to cultivate a spirit of hard-working and sacrifice in all spheres of life. He challenged all people to emulate the early Missionaries who sacrificed a lot even to die in foreign lands for the sake of the Gospel.

National Director for Pontifical Mission Societies in Malawi, Fr Vincent Mwakhwawa expressed satisfaction with the event and praised the corroboration that was there between Christians at Katamba Parish, the Diocese and the National office saying it made the event successful and colourful.

“The Communities at Katamba parish despite being a rural community was able to organize this big National Celebration, we don’t take it for granted and as PMS we encourage them to maintain the missionary spirit. We thank them for being accommodative and eager to learn from the messages and guidance from the National office and from the diocese. They now have the universal understanding of the Church,” said Fr Mwakhwawa

Chairperson of the Laity in Zomba Diocese, Vito Sandfolo said that Christians are responsible for the development of the Church hence everyone need to take part in Church activities. He also encouraged all Christians to pray unceasingly for ministers of the Church and for themselves so that they maintain the spread of the gospel of the Lord.

Among other activities at the function were: Vocation promotion and career guidance.

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