Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Archbishop Msusa Ordains 20 Seminarians as Deacons

Archbishop Msusa Ordains 20 Seminarians as Deacons

By Fr. Steven Likhucha, Communication Secretary-Zomba Diocese

Deaconate 2Archbishop Thomas Msusa who is the Chairperson of Episcopal Conference of Malawi on Saturday May 23, 2015 promoted 20 seminarians to the order of deacons at Zomba Cathedral in Zomba Diocese.

The celebration which attracted people from all corners of Malawi saw three seminarians from Zomba (Samuel Mangulenje, Isaac Tsegula and Peter Lufeyo), and another three from Blantyre Archdiocese (Daniel Kambalame, Foster Matope and Davison Salamba) being ordained deacons, while one was from Karonga Diocese (Matthews Simwela), two from Franciscan Capuchin Congregation ( Vineeth Panackappillil and Febin Mampilly), five from Dedza Diocese (Joseph Biliati, Matthews Chimtendere, Lazarus Magonde, Emmanuel Tchuma and Alfred Kalumbi) and six were from Lilongwe Archdiocese (Damaseke Francis, Andrew Kholowa, Kelvin Khodola, Tadeo Jobo, Raphael Piringu and Alberto Elifala).

Deaconate 1During his homily, His Grace Thomas Msusa, who is also the Archbishop of Blantyre Archdiocese and Apostolic Administrator for Zomba Diocese, called upon the new deacons to be permanently servants in their ministry.

“Service for you should not be temporary but permanent because you will be required to render such services at all times even when you are ordained priests or when you become bishops.” Archbishop said.

“Your ministry will always be threefold; ministers of the altar, ministers of the word and ministers of mercy or charitable works. Thus apart from ministering the Sacrament of Eucharist through the table at the altar you will be consoling and giving hope to people through preaching and serving those in need of help at all levels without discrimination,” Msusa added.

Delivering his speech, the Acting Rector of St. Peter’s Major Seminary, Fr. Samuel Malamulo thanked all the people who have been supporting the seminarians to reach to the level of deacons. He appealed for more support from Christians to the seminary as foreign aid keeps on dwindling at the theological institute.

One of the ordinands, Deacon Joseph Biliati, called upon young people to work hard in school and choose wisely for the future. He called upon parents to guide their children properly.

It takes nine years for one to become a diocesan priest and diaconate ordination takes place in the eighth year when the candidate had already studied philosophy alongside human sciences at Kachebere Major Seminary in Mchinji and three years of theological studies in Zomba.
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