Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Archbishop Msusa Appointed Apostolic Administrator of Zomba

Archbishop Msusa Appointed Apostolic Administrator of Zomba

Bishop MsusaThe Holy Father Pope Francis has nominated Most Rev. Thomas Msusa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Blantyre as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Zomba whose seat fell vacant in 2013, and whose diocesan administrator, Re. Peter Kaleso died after short illness at Blantyre Adventist Hospital on 13th May 2015.

The Nomination means that Most Rev. Msusa has the authority to govern the Diocese with all the local Ordinary’s faculties, until the future Bishop of Zomba will take canonical possession of the Diocese.

The Nomination was communicated to Archbishop Msusa through the office of the Apostolic Nuncio to Zambia and Malawi, His Excellence Archbishop Julio Murat on 18th May 2015, following the sudden death of Rev. Fr. Henry Kaleso.

Most Reverend Thomas Luke Msusa was once bishop of the Diocese of Zomba, until 2013 when Pope Francis appointed him archbishop and transferred him the Archdiocese of Blantyre where he took seat as archbishop.

One thought on “Archbishop Msusa Appointed Apostolic Administrator of Zomba

  1. Sincere condolences to brothers and sisters of Zomba Diocese for the sudden death of Rev.Fr.Peter Kaleso. I have just read this news and it feels me with grief, knowing that my diocese is still ourning its shepherd the late Bishop Joseph Mukasa Zuza. I appreciated the person of Fr.Kaleso during the AMECEA Assembly last July. We shared the same table at Maula with the Bishops and delegates of Uganda. As we celebrate the Ugandan Martyrs tomorrow, I pray for Fr. Kaleso to Rest in God’s Peace and Glory and intercede for us all.

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