ECM LogoTo
28th November,2016
All Parish Priests
All Archbishops and Bishops
The National Pastoral Secretary. ECM
The National Laity Chaplain – ECM
All Heads of Commissions – ECM
All Diocesan Pastoral Secretaries
The National Laity Council Chairperson
The National CWO Chairlady
All Directors of Catholic Media Houses
All Directors of Media Houses in Malawi

Dear Friends,


Greetings from the Catholic Secretariat!

I write this lettei to officially inform you about the forlhcoming Pro-Life and Pro-Marriage March scheduled for 6th December, 2016 and also seek your support for the same.

As you might be aware, Human Life is under direct attack through the proposed “Termination of
Pregnancy Bill”, Marriage between a man and a woman is also under direct attack from those pushing for

the legalization of Homosexual practices and unions. The Bishops approved and endorsed a plan to hold joint national wide marches with the Evangelical Association of Malawi called Citizens’ March for Life and Family.

The objeetives of the proposed Citizens’March for Life and Family are twojold (1) Calling upon all Catholics and Malawians of goodwill to stand up for life by saying NO to the proposed Bill, Human life must be respected, preserved, and defended from the moment of conception; (2) Calling upon all Catholics and people of goodwill to stand up for the institutlon of marriage and family, Marriage between a man and a woman must be protected, supported and strengthened and not undermined, We want to say N0 to gay and lesbian unions and practices!

I am therefore, making a special appeal to all of you to mobilize all Catholics within your
parishes/Dioceses to participate in this march on the said date, Find attached details regarding routes for the march in the four cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, L[zuzu and Zomba, Information for the rest of the 24 Districts will be provided in due course. Let’s stand up for life and the family.

Rev. Fr. Henry Saindi




From: National Coordinating Taskforce – Constituted by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) and the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM)

To: All Media Houses; All Catholics; Christians from Evangelical Association of Malawi; All Mother Bodies; All Malawians of Goodwill

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi and the Evangelical Association of Malawi are jointly planning a Pro-life and Pro-family March called Citizens’ March for Life and Family. A Call to celebrate, defend and reaffirm truths about Human Life and the Family enshrined in our Laws, Culture and beliefs.

Human life and the Family are under direct attack through the Termination of Pregnancy Bill and those pushing for the legalization of Homosexual practices and unions. We call upon all Malawians of goodwill to stand up for life by saying NO to the culture of death as manifested in the Termination of Pregnancy Bill. Human life must be respected, preserved, and defended from the moment of conception. We also call upon all Malawians of goodwill to stand up for the institution of marriage and family. Marriage between a man and a woman must be protected, supported and strengthened and not undermined. We say NO to gay and lesbian unions!

6th December, 2016 from 08:30 am to 11:30 am.

All Catholics, All Christians from Evangelical Association of Malawi, All Mother Bodies and Malawians of Goodwill who value Human Life and Marriage between a man and a woman.

In Cities of Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba; and all 28 Districts in Malawi.

Lilongwe: The March shall have 2 converging starting points: Route 1, starting from Area 18 St. Patricks’ Catholic Parish through Area18 Round About to City Center; Route 2, starting from Presbyterian Church of Malawi (PCM) opposite Kamuzu College of Nursing and next to Central Medical Stores through Central Hospital Round About, Bisnowatty Filling Station to City Center. The two groups will converge at Parliament Building and proceed to Parliament for presentation of the petition.

Blantyre: The March will start from Blantyre Old Town Hall via Highway to Blantyre Civic Centre. The petition will be presented to the Chief Executive Officer.

Mzuzu: From Katoto Secondary School Ground via Mzuzu Highway to Mzuz City Assembly where the petition will be read and presented.

Zomba: The March shall have 2 converging starting points: Route 1, starting from Mpunga Market via Shoprite to the DC’s Office; Route 2, starting from Chinamwali Market via Zomba Zero to the DC’s Office. The petition will be presented to the DC.

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