Episcopal Conference of Malawi


AMECEA Plenary Start in Lilongwe

AMECEA Plenary Start in Lilongwe

AMECEA SG & Comm SecretaryThe Association for Member Episcopal Conference of East Africa AMECEA 18th Plenary Session Begins on Wednesday in Lilongwe at Bingu International Conference Centre.

Speaking when announcing the commencement of the meeting at a media conference, Secretary General for AMECEA Rev. Fr Ferdinand Lugonzo said the session has began on Wednesday morning with prayer session and Holy mass.

“We are announcing that the 18th Plenary Meeting has started with prayer session by Bishops throughout the morning. And this evening they are making presentations as leaders of Church” Announced the General Secretary.

Fr. Ferdinand mentioned that the Bishops will be meeting in “a closed sessions” where in they will reflect on various topics and things that are affecting people within Eastern Region and beyond.

He said this Plenary is a blessing for the Nation and has made an appeal to Malawians to renew their faith and accompany Bishops in prayers.

He said the meeting will end on 26th July with mass celebration at Maula Cathedral where Bishops will have special message to the church of Eastern Africa and beyond
“I would like to appeal to everyone that on that closing day when Bishops will give you their special message to church. Receive it as a message that has been given to you of hope and encouragement”

Fr Ferdinand has thanked Episcopal Conference of Malawi, all Malawians for support rendered during the preparations and reception of the delegates. He also thanked government with the leadership of Professor Peter Mutharika and his Deputy Saulos Klaus Chilima for the collaboration between church and state.

On this he mentioned that it is pleasing to note that the success of this meeting is coming from “all people of Malawi who owned this great event”

On 17th July there will be Opening Ceremony with an opening Holy Mass at Civo Stadium which will be presided by His Eminence John Cardinal Njue.

AMECEA Plenary Sessions are held every three years and each meeting year Bishops choose chairperson. This will be a third time for Malawi to host the event under the theme, New Evangelization through True Conversion and Witnessing to Christian Faith.

This evening starting at 15:00hrs the Bishops are making presentations on Spirit, Vision, Mission and Core Values of AMECEA as leaders of church.

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