Episcopal Conference of Malawi


AMECEA Delegates impressed with Malawi’s Plenary Preparations

AMECEA Delegates impressed with Malawi’s Plenary Preparations

Written by Louis Suwedi

AMECEA DelegatesThe Secretary General for the Association of Member Conference of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Rugonzo has commended the Catholic Church in Malawi for the steps taken so far in preparation for the AMECEA Plenary Assembly scheduled for July this year.

Fr. Rugonzo was speaking during a dinner organized for the Secretary Generals from the AMECEA Region who held a two day meeting at the Catholic Secretariat in Lilongwe.

“From what we have seen and the reports we have received; we are so pleased and convinced that the Church in Malawi is ready to host the 18th AMECEA Plenary Assembly and we are so sure that even if the Plenary Assembly is to start tomorrow, the Church in Malawi has shown that it is ready to host the Conference”, Fr. Rugonzo said.

He added; “This has given us confidence and raised our hopes that we are going to have a successful AMECEA Plenary Assembly in July this Year.”

During the meeting, delegates visited and appreciated the Venue of the Conference which is Bingu International Conference Centre.

Participants to the Meeting were: Fr. Ferdinand Rugonzo – AMECEA Secretary General (Kenya), Msgr. John Kauta – Secretary General (Uganda), Rev. Fr. Cleophas Lungu – Secretary General (Zambia), Fr. Daniel Rono – Deputy Secretary General (Kenya), Fr. Jacob Odwa – Secretary General (South Sudan), Fr. Gallus Thomas – Secretary General (Tanzania), Fr. George Buleya – Secretary General (Malawi), Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo – Deputy Secretary General (Malawi), Sr. Anne Muiruri – AMECEA Secretariat (Kenya), Gloria Pereira – Catholic Secretariat (Malawi)

Malawi will be hosting the AMECEA Plenary Assembly for the third time after hosting it in 1979 at St. Peters Major Seminary and in 1995 at the then St. John the Baptist Major Seminary in Malawi’s Eastern Districts of Zomba and Mangochi respectively.

AMECEA is an acronym for the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa. And it is comprised of nine member countries namely: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Somalia and Djibouti are affiliate members.

The theme for forthcoming Plenary assembly is; “New Evangelization through True Conversion and Witnessing to Christian Faith.”

One thought on “AMECEA Delegates impressed with Malawi’s Plenary Preparations

  1. Bravo Episcopal Conference of Malawi, the comments by the Plenary indicate that ECM has done a good job in the preparations for AMECEA……Well done, forever ever, backward never…….May the Lord’s name be praised always. Surely our prayers have been heard and will be answered fully.

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