Episcopal Conference of Malawi


PRESS RELEASE ON WORLD CONGRESS- Of Families Conference of the African Organization for Families

PRESS RELEASE ON WORLD CONGRESS- Of Families Conference of the African Organization for Families

21 th November 2017

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) and the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) partnering with the African Organization for Families (AOFF), a regional affiliate of World Congress of Families have organized the above mentioned conference at Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi, from 29th to 30th November 2017. The theme of the conference is “The African Family and Cultural Colonialism.”

The targeted audience for the conference are African governments, parliamentarians, the media, lawyers, NGOs, religious leaders, traditional leaders, and educational institutions. Interest in participating has already been indicated from a number of African countries, as well as from the United States and Europe.

The conference will focus on a key sectors which are; Education, Health, and the Law.

Among the topics to be discussed during the conference include; Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT), Abortion, Contraception and population control.

On each day, after the presentation and question-and-answer session, participants will have the opportunity to attend a group discussion on one of the four key aspects of the topics discussed. It is an ideal occasion to examine in depth the role of the family as the guardian of culture in education, health and the law.

The Guest of Honour will be the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, Right Honourable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima. The Chairman of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, His Grace Thomas Luke Msusa will also be in attendance.

For further inquiries, contact Prince Henderson on 0999 129 706 or email: phendreson@gmail.com. Alternatively, Ann Kioko on 0998 352 603 or email: annmtave@yahoo.com.

Rev. Father Henry Saindi Rev. Francis Mkandawire
Secretary General – ECM General Secretary – EAM

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