Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Chilima preaches Bible at Police headquarters

Chilima preaches Bible at Police headquarters


The Vice President; Dr Saulosi Chilima in his capacity as a goodwill ambassador for the Catholic New Answer Bible last Sunday took time off his busy schedule and stressed on the need for Christians especially Catholics to embrace the reading culture of the holy bible which he described it as the only solution to salvation.

Chilima was speaking at Police Headquarters, St. Ignatius’ Area 30 Catholic Parish in Lilongwe where he joined men and women in uniform during a Eucharistic celebration which was also preceded by a special fundraising initiative for the Parish dubbed ‘Paper Sunday’ and Chilima moderated the activity.

He said Catholics should always be on top of things, thereby address some of the conflicting questions that people especially those from other denominations frequently ask for clarification.

“It is sad to note that many Catholics fail to respond to various conflicting questions about our mother Church. Some would ask like why do we celebrate Mass and why do we pray The Rosary among others. All these questions could best be answered if we read the bible which has all the answers to this effect,” said Chilima.

He said: “In fact, Catholics do not worship the Saints and Angels in heaven, rather we do honor or venerate them because they are worthy a great honor as per biblical distinction”.

Chilima said The New Catholic Answer Bible, initiated by the Pastoral Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) is unique as it answers and provides references to all conflicting questions.

“This bible is so special. Of course, it doesn’t differ from other bibles only that this one was designed to make life easier. In it there are 88 question and answers with reference verses as well. So, don’t hesitate but make sure that you have a copy. If you are in a family, make sure that every family member has his/her own bible,” he said.

With clear illustration, Chilima said the Catholic Church is in three family cycle-the Pilgrim, suffering and triumphant Church hence need to enhance unity and pray for one another.

He said the Pilgrim Church is that of us on earth and the suffering Church is for those in Purgatory while the triumphant Church is for the Saints and those who are already closer to God, so in unity the pilgrim unites with the triumphant in praying for the suffering Church hence that should apply to human beings by praying for one another.

Chairman for St. Ignatius Parish Council, Joseph Chambuluka commended Chilima for sparing his time as the country’s Vice President and unite with fellow Catholics at all times.

“We don’t take your coming to this Parish for granted. We know your schedule is tight but you normally spare time to unite with fellow Catholics and pray,” he said.

Fr. Steven Likhucha, Chaplain for Malawi Police Service and Parish Priest for St. Ignitus also hailed Chilima for being a proud Catholic and role model to many.

“Your acceptancy by the Bishops call for you to be a goodwill ambassador for the New Catholic Answer Bible, only shows how committed and love you have for your Church. We are glad that you are always available when we need you,” said Fr. Likhucha.

During the Paper Sunday, Chilima pledged to help in fundraising about K1, 000,000 for the Parish.

Chilima was appointed the Catholic New Answer Bible Ambassador by Malawi Catholic Bishops under ECM last two years.

The bibles are available on sale at Catholic Secretariat in Lilongwe and in all Montfort Bookshops in Malawi at K10,000 per copy.

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