Episcopal Conference of Malawi


AMECEA Organizing committee, govt join hands in preparations

AMECEA Organizing committee, govt join hands in preparations

Saulos Chilima PixA high level meeting between Malawi government officials and the main organizing committee for the 18th Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA) have been taking place in the Capital Lilongwe, Malawi.

The recent meeting was held on Tuesday, July 08, 2014 at Catholic Secretariat in area 11, Lilongwe where government officials who included Principle Secretaries and Directors from various Ministries attended.

The General Secretary for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Fr. George Buleya said he was delighted that government has committed itself to supporting the Church in convening a successful Plenary Assembly.

He disclosed that so far the Church has managed to raise about 90 Million Malawi Kwacha against the estimated budget of 200 Million Kwacha hence an appeal to government to assist in meeting the budget costs.

On Wednesday, July 09, 2014 a similar meeting was held at the office of Malawi’s Vice President, Saulos Chilima where different Sub-committees from the main organizing committee briefed the meeting on the progress so far.

Among other sub-committees that presented before the Vice President included Transport, Accomodation, Protocal, Food, Decoration and Entertainment, Security, Liturgy and Health.

For his part the Vice President himself who once chaired the Publicity sub-committee said government is committed to supporting the AMECEA plenary and that the State President Professor Peter Arthur Mutharika has already made some directives towards supporting the event.

Chilima said so far, the President who will be available for the opening Mass at Civo Stadium on July 17, 2014 has already directed that high profile delegates like Cardinals and Archbishop should use the State of Art government’s Mecedenz Benz.

Meanwhile,site meeting for the opening Mass venue has already taken place.

Malawi will host the 18th AMECEA plenary from 16th-26th July at Bingu International Conference Centre in the Capital, Lilongwe.

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