Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholic Nuns drilled in Financial Management

Catholic Nuns drilled in Financial Management

Participates Pose for a group phot with their FacilitatorAt least twenty Catholic Nuns drawn from different Church Congregations in Malawi have undergone a four week training course in Financial Management, thanks to the Association of Women, Religious Institute of Malawi (AWRIM) with the financial support from the Hilton Foundation of United States of America.

Facilitator of the course, a Kenyan Patrick Gathi Wanyanga said the participating students were equipped with skills and knowledge in accounting, quick books or digital calculation and grant writing among others.

According to Wanyanga, the accounting topic covered the basic accounting principles where records of the cash book and ledgers produce the financial statement and balance sheet that in turn determines the profit and loss of an organization.

“In most cases these nuns who are mainly from Catholic Institutions are some of them work as Bursars and Administrators do not actually know how to prepare proper budgets hence the reason we have also equipped them with special skills on how to go about budget and budgetary controls,” said Wanyanga

He said by the end of a month course, the Nuns have also learnt about auditing where they can now relate well with external and internal auditors.

“I must say I personally as the facilitator, am impressed with this class. These students are directly connected to financial activities in their respective congregations and I am sure they will apply whatever they have learnt here when they go back. You know, apart from the Pastoral work that these nuns do, they are also supposed to be equipped with different professional and this course is one such professional that can help them,” said Wanyanga

He said he was also impressed with the enthusiasm from the participants.

Sister Julita Mzimba
For her part, Sister Julita Mzimba of the Daughters of Wisdom Congregation from Saint Joseph College of Nursing said she has learnt a lot that will help her when she is back to her community.

“Not many including myself had knowledge in computer usage and many others as it regards to accounting but I can assure you that we have gained a lot having undergone this course,” she said

Adding her voice was Sister Annis Chikufenji,a Carmelite Missionaries nun from Mtengowanthenga Hospital said as a Stores Clerk and a Cashier at the hospital she will strive to make sure that all accounts details are well prepared.

She also said the course will help her to fundraise from local and international donors as she is now capable of writing proposals and initiate income generating activities for her institution.
Sister Hilary Chombo-Coordinator
Coordinator for the program,Sister Hilary Chombo commended the donor for supporting Malawian nuns.She also commended AWRIM for taking an initiative to introduce the course in Malawi.
At least 80 nuns in the Malawi will benefit from the initiative by the end of this year.

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