Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM-CCJP,Preparing for 2014 Tripartite Elections During Lent and Easter

ECM-CCJP,Preparing for 2014 Tripartite Elections During Lent and Easter

ECM LogoStrengthening the Vision of Our Destiny
Preparing for 2014 Tripartite Elections
During Lent and Easter

Episcopal Conference of Malawi
Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP)

The Church chose 40 days because in the Bible, 40 is a period of preparation:
(a) The flood during the time of Noah took 40 days:
God was preparing to recreate the earth and humanity.
(b) The Israelites were in the desert for 40 years:
God was preparing them for entry into the Promised Land.
(c) Moses stayed for 40 days on Mount Sinai
God was preparing him to deliver the commandments.
(d) Elijah journeyed to Mount Sinai for 40 days
He was preparing for an encounter with God.
(e) The Ninevites fasted for 40 days:
They were preparing for God’s forgiveness.
(f) Jesus stayed in the wilderness for 40 days
He was preparing for the proclamation of the Good News of salvation.
Similarly lent is 40 days:
We prepare to receive the salvation of paschal mystery.

(a) To the Israelites the Passover marked their transformation from slavery to freedom
(b) To Jesus, the Passover marked the transition from this sinful world to the Kingdom of his Father
(c) For Christians, the Passover marks our transformation from sin and death to eternal life


The forthcoming Tripartite Elections will be conducted at the threshold of both the fiftieth anniversary (Golden Jubilee) of our country’s independence and the twentieth anniversary of the reintroduction of multiparty democracy in 1993. Right now, we are living in one of the most momentous times of this year both as Catholics and as citizens of our beautiful country Malawi. As Catholics, from Ash Wednesday (5th March, 2014) we enter a privileged time of 40 days (quadragesima) of intense prayer, fasting and alms giving. This period will culminate into the Holy Week – a special week of commemoration of the Sufferings, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lent will lead into Easter when we commemorate that our Lord Jesus Christ triumphed over sin and death. As citizens of our beautiful country – Malawi – we will shortly be going to the polls in a General Election on 20 May, 2014 to elect our leaders for the next five years. We are on the threshold of an important juncture in which an extraordinary opportunity to participate in determining the direction of our country is suddenly in our hands again.
In their recent Pastoral Letter entitled “Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny” the Bishops invited Catholics and all people of good will to make the best of the fortcoming Tripartite Elections as they provide a golden opportunity to rediscover our national destiny. Like Joshua and his compatriots, the Bishops see Malawi to be at a crossroad: “If you will not serve the Lord, choose today whom you wish to serve . . . As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). We are urged to rediscover our national destiny and commit ourselves to it following the footprints of our founding fathers and not opt for self-destruction. We are called to rediscover and build the Malawi our forefathers envisioned and not continue creating a Malawi that betrays what our forefathers fought and died for.
The forthcoming Tripartite Elections provide us with the best opportunity for strengthening the vision of our destiny. Essentially this entails conducting elections that are free, fair and credible and electing leaders that have the desire, commitment and capability of turning our country around. It also entails that the electorate can get out of the chronic abject poverty by electing leaders who can enable them to do so. Not holding such kind of elections, not voting and not electing this kind of leaders is in our case similar to opting to choose death instead of life. This is the message of our letter which we present to our fellow Catholics and all people of good will. This is our appeal to all stakeholders in the forthcoming elections.

So, what a happy coincidence for us that the period running up to the Tripartite Elections runs alongside the liturgical period of Lent and Easter in which we commemorate the great mysteries of our salvation: Sufferings, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Is it perhaps more than a coincidence? The story of humanity cannot be considered purely secular and coincidental; it is always the unfolding story of God’s saving presence! This is a moment of God’s grace!
This document is an effort to allow the unfolding story of our country especially at this important juncture be guided by the unfolding story of God’s saving presence. It is a document that merges the Word of God in this Lenten and Easter period and the teachings of the Bishops into thematic points for prayer, reflection and action as we approach the Elections. It is a document for reflection and prayer emanating from Pastoral letters and Sunday Readings. This approach is in line with a longstanding conviction of the Church that “the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the people of our time, . . . are the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well” (Gaudium et spes 1).
While this is not a Pastoral letter of the Bishops to be read out on a particular Sunday; the idea of using the Pastoral letters in this engaging way in the period leading up to the elections has been endorsed by the Bishops. Inspired by resolutions from AMECEA, a regional grouping of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences, which, among other things, call for a more prophetic, vigilant and intrusive Catholic Church in matters of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace, this document has received the full support of the Bishops.
Bringing together key guidelines from the December, 1st, 2013 Pastoral Letter “Strengthening the Vision of our Destiny” anchored by some preceding pastoral letters that dealt with elections, the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace has, through this document, set the Church and indeed all people of good will on the right path towards Easter and towards the Tripartite Elections.
Specifically, the document has three objectives. Firstly, it acts as an inspiration to the clergy as they prepare to disseminate God’s Word during this period of Lent and the celebration of Easter. Secondly, it provides critical reflection notes and questions for discussion in such groups as the Small Christian Communities, Justice and Peace Meetings, Youth Groups, Lay movements, and various other Election discussion fora. Finally and above all, this document is intended to inspire people towards personal reflection, prayer and conversion in this Lenten and Easter Seasons. This is a pastoral initiative intended at motivating Christians during this period to think about their positive role and engagement in shaping the future of this nation.

This project would have remained on the level of the wish of the Bishops had it not been for the active participation and support of various people, groups and organizations. Thanks to their efforts and resources, we now have this document in our hands. Now, the stage is set for us as the liturgical period of Lent and Easter runs alongside the period towards the Tripartite Elections. It is not a coincidence. This is the period in which we are called to testify that the unfolding events in our country cannot be considered purely secular; they are indeed part of the unfolding story of God’s saving presence!

Rev. Fr. George Buleya
Secretary General – Episcopal Conference of Malawi

2014 is an Election Year and as such an important year for us as Malawians. The forthcoming Lenten and Easter period starting from Ash Wednesday, 5th March, 2014, is a privileged moment in which we are to pray for and ponder over the choice of leaders we want for our country.
Lent is a period of purification and enlightenment. It is a period of illumination. There are thre major areas we are asked to pay attention to:
1. Steadfastness in Prayer
Lent is the time to beg from God the courage to change our ways and believe in the Gospel. During this season of Lent, each one of us is called to begin and end the day with a prayer. Besides, we are called upon to pray before and after taking upon any task. Jesus Christ taught us to pray at all times and to pray without ceasing. Prayer is raising ourselves, heart and mind, to God; and prayer surpasses all other things. However, caution is given not to parade ourselves in the streets and to enter into temptation to recite long prayers when we pray. Our prayers should be said trusting that God is our Father who loves us at all times and is always ready to come to our aid. When we pray we, in actual fact, express our desire to do his will rather than forcing him to do what we want and wish.
In our Lenten prayers this year, we are called upon to pray for the forthcoming tripartite elections so that we may be enlightened by Him and vote for good, visionary and transformative leaders who will lead Malawi to development and prosperity.
2. Fasting
The Lenten season challenges each one of us to forego that which brings the pleasures of the body, controlling passions and selfishness. These would include food and drink. Scriptures indicate that Jesus himself fasted for forty days. This practice and observance is an attempt to discipline ourselves and to let our hearts and mind be united with God. This helps us in the struggle and fight against evil and Satan.
3. Charity
Finally, the money and all the resources that we have saved as we fast are meant to be used to assist the poor and needy which include orphans and widows. This teaches us self-sacrifice. Malawians are called upon this year to vote into power in the forthcoming tripartite elections leaders who will help bring unity, justice, peace and development in the country. Let us not bring this country into the hands of bad leaders who will have no concern over the poor especially the rural masses and leaders that are selfish and busy enriching and amassing wealth for themselves. Let us be alert and not to be fooled by leaders who are making false promises of bringing cheap wealth without working for it.

The Christian Easter derives from the Israelite Passover which commemorated and re-presented the exodus which liberated the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery. The Israelites celebrated the feast at night on the full moon of vernal equinox on the 14th of Abib (later Nisan). Originally, they offered to Yahweh a young male lamb or kid born that year and without blemish (Ex 12:3-6) and broken bone (Nm 9:12) to draw divine blessings upon their flocks. The blood of the lamb or kid was smeared on the doorpost as a sign of preservation. Its flesh together with unleavened bread was eaten during a rapid meal.

During Passover the Israelites remembered and made real the unforgettable event when the Angel of Yahweh passed over their houses while He struck the first-born of the Egyptians. They celebrated this feast not only to proclaim the mighty works wrought by God for them but to make present and real their liberation and national identity.

In the New Testament, Jesus celebrated the Passover before his passion and death. During the meal he took bread and changed it into his body. He also took a chalice of wine and turned the wine into his blood to be poured out for the salvation of many. Through this ritual Jesus became the new paschal lamb whose death marked a new exodus from this sinful world to the Kingdom of his Father (Jn 13:1).

The Christian Easter celebrates the Passover of Jesus from death to eternal life. Since Jesus Christ rose on the first day of the week, Christians commemorate and make present this event a day after the Jewish Sabbath. The Romans called this day “the Day of the Sun”. Christians turned it into “the Day of the Lord” (Tsiku La Mulungu) (Rev. 1:10).

Easter is the Feast par excellence for both Israelites and Christians. It challenges them to conform their lives to the events they commemorate and make present. By uniting with Christ in the Eucharist, Easter spurs Christians towards the hope of encountering him in his second coming (Parousia) (I Cor. 11:26). On Saturday prior to Easter, Christians hold a Vigil night to read the account of salvation history; baptize Catechumens as people of God; symbolise their death from sin and rising to new life; and celebrate the Eucharist. In this way, the Christian Passover stimulates each Christian to look forward to achieve the Paschal Mystery through encounter with the Lord in his passion, death and resurrection. Thus the Christian Passover marks the beginning of a journey toward the heavenly banquet.

The Forthcoming Tripartite Elections
In the forthcoming Tripartite Elections, the voter will have the opportunity to vote for a ward Councilor, a Member of Parliament and the President. In this case, it is important to articulate what the voter will have to consider before and in casting his or her vote.
Electing our candidates
The following are important factors to be considered when identifying a good candidate to represent a ward (as a Councilor), constituency (as Member of Parliament) and the country (as President).
• For Councillors, they must be known in your area, for MPs they must be known in their constituencies.
• For Councillors again, they must be familiar with your community needs.
• For the Councilors, they must be citizens of your ward, and MPs of your constituency and President of your country.
• They must have concern for the plight of the poor and the marginalized;
• They must not promise the moon but possible and achievable things within their right mandate and role as councilor, MP or President;
• They must demonstrate that they can be trusted and that they wish to serve the community and the masses;
• They demonstrate as they outline their policies and unveil their manifestos that they have a vision to transform your area and the country for the better.
Description of these three Offices
A Ward Councillor is a person elected to represent people in a council at the district or town or city level. A Councillor lives in the community and takes interest in the concerns of the people in the community or ward to do with service provision.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Councillor
• To represent people in a community/ward in a council and to bring concerns that require council solutions;
• To make development plans and present them to council for attention;
• To lobby MPs to ensure that people in the ward receive adequate and quality national service such as electricity, security and relief;
• To provide checks on council expenditure and service delivery in respect to the ward and to ensure that there is transparency and accountability in the operations of the council and give feedback to the people on council resolutions.
A Member of Parliament (M.P.) is an individual representing a territory called a constituency (an area covering two wards in rural areas or several wards in some urban areas). In Malawi we have 193 constituencies translating to 193 members of parliament.
Roles of a Member of Parliament include:
• To represent people in a constituency by bringing to parliament (National Assembly) the concerns of people that require national solutions and to provide feedback to the constituency on parliamentary resolutions;
• To represent local people’s interest at national level;
• To oversee the functions of the state through parliamentary committees;
• To debate and make national laws in the National Assembly.
A State President is an overall leader given executive powers to preside over state affairs. This is the highest leadership position in our country responsible for leading and governing the country.
Some roles of a President:
• To represent all the people at national level;
• To assent to bills dully passed by the National Assembly;
• To provide national leadership;
• To head the three arms of government namely, the Executive (the Cabinet Ministers), Judiciary (the courts) and Legislature (the National Assembly);
• To head the state and government.
Key issues for effective participation in tripartite elections.
How to cast your ballots
• There will be three ballot papers, namely, presidential, parliamentary and councilor.
• Tick three ballot papers but on each ballot tick one candidate of your choice.
• Ticking more than one candidate on a ballot paper will make the ballot paper null and void

Some important values
(a) Voters for councilors need to know clearly the boundaries of their ward for them to avoid casting their vote for a councilor in a different ward where their candidate is not available on the ballot paper.
(b) There are two wards in each of the rural constituencies except in specific urban areas.
(c) All registered voters must attend all political campaign rallies.
(d) Know the true roles of councilors, MPs and the President so as not to be confused with vain promises.
(e) It is important not to use religion, tribal and cultural identities when identifying an MP or a president whom we would like to vote for.
(f) It is not always the case that a candidate from our tribe, religion or region would be a best candidate and would have the interest of the people at heart.
(g) We are reminded to elect leaders that will transform our lives, our economy, our politics and our society.
(h) We must obey and trust God to guide us in our choice.
(i) We should elect leaders that want to bring Malawi and our areas to a new level of development and a new way of practicing politics.

9th March, 2014: FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT
INTRODUCTION: In his great love God created us with intellect and free will. In the first reading, we hear that our forefathers misused this God-given freedom, they disobeyed God and therefore sinned by partaking of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. Where our forefathers failed, Jesus triumphed over sin and Satan’s temptations because Jesus’ food was to do the will of his father. It is important that we all submit ourselves to the will of God. True joy and peace emanate from hearing and doing the word of God. Disobedience results into what scripture terms “nakedness”, that is, demoting us from the dignity of a human person to the level of beasts. Autonomy has no place in the divine economy.

FIRST READING: Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7
(a) When God created human beings in his image, God meant to underline the sublime dignity proper to human beings than all other creatures;
(b) God intended that every person should be free and happy but that as a created being, his freedom is limited. God alone is the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil. Knowing good and evil denotes omniscience; only God is omniscient;
(c) Temptations test our strengths not weaknesses. Could we say that the serpent approached the woman because she was more intelligent and quicker to learn?
(d) The serpent is considered subtle because:
(i) shedding its skin denotes its quest for immortality
(ii) it glides smoothly and strikes unexpectedly
(iii) it lays a lot of eggs.
(e) Sin consists of distorting God’s truth into falsehood. Ironically the only knowledge that Adam and Eve gained from eating the forbidden fruit was nakedness and shame.
PSALM: 50:3-6, 12-14, 17
All of us are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness. If we repent, God will readily forgive us because of his infinite mercy.
SECOND READING: Romans 5:12-19
Paul offers a vivid contrast between Adam and Jesus. Through obedience, Our Lord Jesus defeated sin and death brought about by the disobedience of Adam. Through Jesus, death has given way to life.
GOSPEL: Matthew 4:1-11
(a) Jesus is the new Moses founding a new Israel:
(i) Just as the Israelites entered the desert after crossing the Red Sea, Jesus goes to the desert after being baptized in the Jordan;
(ii) just as the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert before entering the promised land, Jesus will spend 40 days and nights in the desert before inaugurating his ministry of salvation;
(iii) just as the Israelites were tested in the desert, Jesus will experience temptations in the desert.
(b) FIRST TEMPTATION: Greed. Satan attempts to tempt Jesus to gain popularity by making food readily available for himself and as a campaign tool. Jesus did not succumb to the temptation and employed Deuteronomy 8:3, “it is not by bread alone that people live, but by all that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord”.
(c) SECOND TEMPTATION: Miracles. Satan tempts Jesus to be ostentatious. Let Jesus throw himself from the pinnacle of the Temple since psalm 91:11 guarantees divine protection for him. If he gets unscathed, the multitude will acclaim him as Messiah. Using Deuteronomy 6:16, Jesus reminds Satan that Scripture says “you shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test”.
(d) THIRD TEMPTATION: Idolatry. Claiming to be the sovereign lord of the world, Satan suggests that Jesus kneel and worship him in order for Satan to relinquish governance of the world to Jesus. Using Deuteronomy 6:13 Jesus categorically states “the Lord your God you shall fear; him shall you serve”.
(a) Obedience is the secret to inner happiness and tranquility. True obedience consists of hearing and doing God’s will.
(b) All human beings experience temptation with regard to self-indulgence, pride and greed for power. Let’s choose the path of love and service; Jesus is that path.
(c) Knowing Scriptures and doing God’s Word defeats temptations. Let’s be a God-fearing nation by anchoring our lives on hearing and doing God’s word.
(a) True happiness is found in always acknowledging that we are created in the image of God and in acting as God’s children (“How to Build a Happy Nation”, 20th March, 1961);
(b) The vision of a new Malawi, expressed in the National Anthem, is “also clearly anchored on faith in God’s assistance. Our forefathers stressed that we are a God-fearing nation. Therefore our aspirations, ideals, dreams of the future and motivation for nationhood are all hinged on faith in God and inspired by the vision of God for a more humane society” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December, 2013, p. 3);

(c) There are worrisome tendencies amongst us that push for a worldview independent of and side-lining God and making human beings dependent on their own intellect and determining for themselves what is right and what is wrong (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December, 2013, p. 9);
(d) It is imperative that at 50, every Malawian should be enjoying the conditions of social life that are brought about by the quest for the common good. The challenge before us is to see how much we have cooperated with God in realizing our dreams. We began with a dream of a politically and economically independent Malawi with God’s help, we should not attempt to realize this dream independently from God himself (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December, 2013, p. 18).

(a) What is the source of our unique worthiness setting us apart from the rest of creation?
(b) What lessons do we learn about the linkage between freedom and obedience to God from the Garden of Eden story?
(c) What was the vision of our forefathers regarding our country vis-a-vis our faith in God?
(d) Can you give examples in the areas of laws, policies and practices, that show that Malawians have lost the original vision and its linkage with our faith in God?
(e) In what areas could we say that the fifty years of freedom in Malawi have been of benefit to Malawians?
(f) What are the indications in the current debates on abortion, artificial contraception, homosexuality, secular humanism, that show that, like Adam, our society is craving for unlimited freedom?
(g) In the light of the original vision of the country, what kind of leaders should we choose in the forthcoming Tripartite Elections?
(h) As citizens, what roles can we play to ensure that Malawi retains a vision that is God-centred?

16th March, 2014: SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT


Introduction: To achieve our goals, we need to interact with others. Abram’s adventurous journey to the land of Canaan was one that would benefit others. Through Abram, all the earth’s communities will find blessings. Similarly, Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, the subject of discussion at the transfiguration, will bring salvation to the whole world.


FIRST READING: Genesis 12:1-4

(a) God called Abram to leave the security of his homeland and he ventured forth – from the familiar, secure and well-ordered life of his native place;
(b) Eventually, Abram’s faith and risk would be rewarded and would bring blessings for the nations of the world;
(c) Though difficult for him, Abram believed and obeyed God.

PSALM: 32:4-5, 18-20, 22

The Psalm is in praise of the faithfulness of God which underlies our hope in God’s promises and our confidence in God’s love.

SECOND READING: 2 Timothy 1:8-10

(a) Paul exhorts Timothy to accept all the unpleasant dimensions that comprise the Good News;
(b) God’s call is a gratuitous gift that reveals his eternal plan; the recipient of that gift ought to make an impact on others.

GOSPEL: Matthew 17:7-19

In Jerusalem, Jesus will meet the needs of the world through suffering and death on the cross. But his death will culminate in triumph and glory.
(a) Jesus’ appearance changes in front of Peter, James and John who will also see him in great agony in the garden of Gethsemane;
(b) The mountain is a place of encounter with God:

(i) The call of Moses and his receiving the ten commandments all happened in Mount Sinai;
(ii) Elijah after fleeing Jezebel’s plot to have him killed went to Mt. Sinai where he met God;
(iii) Jesus’ last temptation was in a mountain setting;
(iv) The Sermon on the Mount;
(v) Feeding of the five thousand;
(vi) Jesus bidding farewell to his disciples;

(c) Moses represents the Law; Elijah represents the prophets. The Law and Prophets means the Old Testament. By speaking to Jesus, Moses and Elijah show that Jesus is fulfillment of the Old Testament;
(d) The voice from the cloud announces that Jesus is God’s beloved Son. We should listen to him. The past is gone. Let’s start anew.

(a) Like Abram, venture into new areas trusting in God: stop old habits of thought, behavior and doing things; these include: hand-outs, multiplying parties empty of ideologies, leaders with no vision; greed, graft, lies, foul language, etc.
(b) Start anew, trust God and build a new Malawi. Seek the good of one another by developing a spirit of altruism. Venture into new areas; do not drop out of society, promote and foster the common good;
(c) Like Timothy, let’s preach and witness to the Gospel without fear or shame. Let’s aim at changing people’s mentality. Let’s enlighten people to stop looking at others as foils in their climb up the professional and political ladder.
(d) Just as Jesus’ countenance changed on the mountain, let’s transform our hearts, minds, and governance of our country. Let’s rid ourselves of leaders with no vision. Life is not an ego trip. Let all communities derive blessing through you. Endure pain and frustration for the benefit of others. Your primary focus should not be on your rights but responsibilities.
(e) The Church is God’s beloved child in our days. Let’s follow what our bishops have been teaching concerning democracy over the years. Let the Liturgy inspire our lives. We receive the Word and Eucharist not only to nourish us but to nourish others as well.
(f) Unlike Peter who did not comprehend what was happening but wished to prolong the experience, let’s move on.

(a) Like Abram’s call to leave his homeland and Jesus in the Transfiguration, the Bishops see the forthcoming Tripartite Elections as a critical moment: “Depending on our seriousness and the commitment of those to be elected, we will either miss the opportunity to rediscover and shape our destiny or we will make the most of it.” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December, 2013, p. 14);
(b) The forthcoming Tripartite Elections provide us with the best opportunity for strengthening the vision of our destiny. Essentially this entails conducting elections that are free, fair and credible and electing leaders that (like Abram and Jesus) have the desire, commitment, and capability of turning our country around.
(Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December, 2013, p. 1)
(c) It is not enough to have quality leadership if this is not inspired and anchored by a national development agenda. Some development initiatives and strategies are clearly national in form and transformative in nature and, therefore, need to be depoliticised and continued irrespective of whichever government is in place.
(Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December, 2013, p. 11)

(a) How can our faith help us transform our nation?
(b) Like Abram’s journey from Haran to Canaan and Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem brought blessings to all nations, how can we ensure that we elect leaders who will bring blessings to Malawi?
(c) Just as the work of Moses and Elijah was fulfilled in Jesus, what should we do to enable that the good practices, policies and programmes meant for the national development agenda are sustained?
(d) Like Abram who was called to leave the security of his homeland, how can we identify leaders who are ready to make sacrifices for the good of our nation?

23rd March, 2014: THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT


Introduction: Running waters denote life. Just as Jesus enlighted, helped to rediscover and transformed an immoral and outcast woman who came to draw water at a well into a witness and she in turn drew her neighbors to salvation, let us also draw people to Jesus by knowing, loving, following and imitating him.


FIRST READING: Exodus 17:3-7

When the Israelites experienced scarcity of water in the desert, they cried to God and He gave them water from the rock.

PSALM: 94:1-2, 6-9

Let us not harden our hearts; let us become obedient people. Blessed is the one who hears and does God’s word.

SECOND READING: Romans 5: 1, 5-8

Peace and hope quench our spiritual thirst. God gives us living waters through Jesus Chist whom we know through the Holy Spirit.

GOSPEL: John 4:5-42

(a) When Jesus requested a drink of water from a Samaritan woman, she was surprised because
(i) Jews and Samaritans were sworn enemies
(ii) No Rabbi ever talked to a woman in public.
(b) Enlightened that Jesus gives living waters, the woman begged for this water. She was helped to rediscover herself when Jesus asked her to bring her husband. The woman was forced to own to her past life of sinfulness realized that Jesus was a prophet. She immediately shifted the discussion to a place of worship. When Jesus explained that authentic worship is in spirit and truth, the woman defensively said the Messiah would reveal all that.
(c) When Jesus revealed that he was the promised Messiah, the woman left her water jar and hurried to invite her fellow villagers to meet Jesus. After Jesus spent some days with them, the villagers confessed Jesus to be savior of the world.
(a) Jesus came to reconcile human beings with God, all the people of the world as well as to improve relationships between men and women.
(b) Like the woman, we come to know Jesus gradually:
(i) a thirsty person asking for a drink
(ii) noble person
(iii) Prophet
(iv) Promised Messiah
(v) Savior of the world.
(c) Jesus follows the following modus operandi (manner of doing things):
(i) takes persons as they are
(ii) confronts them with their dignity
(iii) transforms them into new persons
(iv) elavates them into God’s children.
(d) Jesus helps us to rediscover ourselves and attain new vision
(e) We must become new people. To do so we need to
(i) drop our old mindset
(ii) stop the culture of dependence
(iii) share our secrets, joy and vision
(iv) invite people to true life, integral development, joy, peace and fullness of life.

(a) When we began the journey towards our independence, we dreamt of ushering in an era of inclusive, human rights respecting, politically and legally enabling and economically developed society. (Strengthening the vision of our Destiny, 1 st Dec. 2013, p. 3)
(b) Malawians envisioned a country emancipated politically and economically. This is the vision that found its way and is clearly expressed in the National Anthem. (Strengthening the vision of our Destiny, 1 st Dec. 2013, p. 3)
(c) In a statement issued on 29th October 1960, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi said: Our obligation to make known to all laws of God upon which every society must be built and to safeguard the human rights that have been given to all by God and which no ruler can take away from his peple (Strengthening the vision of our Destiny, 1 st Dec. 2013, p. 3)
(d) While sharing and echoing the vison and wishes of the people and encouraging Catholics to take part in politics without being partisan, we only prefer that which adheres to principles of charity and justice. (Strengthening the vision of our Destiny, 1 st Dec. 2013, p. 4)
(e) The vision of our founding fathers is part of the story of the making of Malawi and will forcefully remain to challenge all of us to play our rightful roles (Strengthening the vision of our destiny 1st December, 2013 p. 5)

On 20th May 2014, Malawians will have a chance to elect leaders who will redefine the vision of this country.
(a) What lessons do we draw from the journey of rediscovery the Samaritan woman undertook?
(b) Just as Jesus challenged the woman to shift from concentrating on physical place of worship to worship in spirit and truth, how can we ensure that we internalize our piety?
(c) What is the original vision that we would like to rediscover as Malawians?
(d) Are ordinary Malawians aware of this vison?
(e) How do we ensure that we elect leaders who own this original vision of Malawi?
(f) What should all Malawians do to share the common vision of Malawi?
(g) In the forthcoming elections, how can we vote in spirit and truth?

(AMECEA Collection Sunday)


INTRODUCTION: Often times we choose by looking at mere physical appearances. Today’s readings teach us to look at a person’s heart. The main cause of Malawi’s perpetual poverty is not merely ignorance but greed of leaders. Let’s choose leaders who are transparent, the ones who do not merely enrich themselves or their relatives, but are visionary.


FIRST READING: I Samuel 16: 1, 6, 10-13

David’s father, Jesse, went for his son Eliab and his other brothers because they looked strong, handsome, intelligent and skillful. However, God preferred the weak and despised David.


Good shepherds bring sheep to green pastures and sastify them with waters to quench their thirst. Relating this to our own situation, we need to look for and choose visionary leaders.

SECOND READING: Ephesians 5:8-14

Paul advises that we must choose light not darkness. Light shows forth through integrity, goodness and truth. Works of darkness include fraud, stealing, immorality, and corruption.

GOSPEL: John 9:1-41

(a) Disciples question whether a person suffers because of personal sin or sins of one’s parents? Jesus does not subscribe to this logic.
(b) Jesus heals a blind person on Sabbath. This makes Pharisees to politicize the affair in order to indict Jesus. Finally they excommunicate the healed man because he testifies that Jesus is (i) a good man (ii) a prophet (iii) a man of God (iv) Lord.
(c) The relatives and parents of the man born blind are afraid to testify that Jesus has healed him because they are afraid of being excommunicated from the synagogue.
(d) The story ends in a reversal: the blind sees, the sighted turn blind.
(a) Like the choice of David, when choosing leaders, let’s scrutinize their hearts. The heart is (i) store of secrets (ii) bedrock of truth (iii) Temple of God.
(b) Let’s choose people with integrity, goodness, truth. A heart filled with darkness brings forth greed, foul mouth, corruption, stealing and plundering of public resources, opting for immoral acts like homosexuality and promoting abortions.
(c) We should allow Jesus to heal and remove our blindness so that we can see and recognize leaders with a vision and leaders without vision.
(d) The truth sets US free. Let’s speak the truth. Let’s reveal our personal thoughts without fear of those in authority.
(e) Let’s open people’s eyes to see leaders without vision.


(a) Choose “persons of vision” who together with the community or people they are leading are “able to set goals and objectives that are specific, achievable, and measurable reflecting people’s asprirations, hopes and dreams” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 14).
(b) A leader of vision will make a difference to a community” (Choosing Our Leaders in the forthcoming Elections, 28th December 2003, p. 3).
(c) What a good government will do is to create the conditions that will help each individual and each community to take charge of their life and eradicate poverty by hard work (Taking Responsibility for Our Future: Together towards the 2009 Elections, 11th May 2008, p. 14).


(a) What does today’s Scriptures teach us about choosing our leaders?
(b) What characterizes a visionary leadership?
(c) How can we ensure that we elect leaders with integrity, vision and are defend our Republican Cosntitution, uphold the moral fibres in such areas as abortion, homosexuality, secular humanism, plundering of resources, transparency in the accumulation and declaration of assets and accountability?
(d) How can we identify leaders that can bring our aspirations as Malawians to fruition?

6th April, 2014: FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT
INTRODUCTION: Our faith assures us that even though our bodies die we shall live forever. In today’s gospel reading, by raising Lazarus to life after four days in the tomb, Jesus demonstrates that the Father has given him power to reverse and transform the effects of death and to restore life.
FIRST READING: Ezekiel 37: 12-14
The Prohet Ezekiel gives hope to Israelites in Babylonian exile that they will return home. Now they appear to be dead, but they should hope to rise again. God will give them life and bring them back home.
Let’s believe in God regardless of the extent of our problems. Just as God saves us from death’s trap, he will also save us from poverty and other problems.
SECOND READING: Romans 8:8-11
If we are filled with Jesus’s Spirit, God will raise us from death as he did with Jesus.
GOSPEL: John 11: 1-45
(a) Lazarus, Martha and Mary were Jesus’ friends, but when Jesus heard of Lazarus’ sickness, he did not visit him immediately. Jesus only arrived in Bethany after Lazarus had died and had been buried for four days.
(b) When receiving Jesus, Martha had two conflicting feelings:
(i) urge to rebuke Jesus for not coming to visit a sick friend
(ii) faith that God will do whatever Jesus requests Him to do.
(c) When Jesus assured Martha that Lazarus would rise from the dead, Martha showed deep faith by accepting that Lazarus will indeed rise again on the last day
(d) Jesus revealed that he was the resurrection and life. This means Jesus is God.
(e) Martha confessed Jesus as the promised Messiah. This faith enabled Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead.
(f) Jealousy prompted Jewish leaders to plot Jesus’ death.
(a) As God promised the Israelites that he would give them new life, he will create Malawi anew.
(b) If we allow the Spirit of God to dwell in us, we and our leaders can become agents of transformation. God is life and source of life.
(c) No matter how dark it becomes, dawn always arrives. At this opportune time, let us breathe life into our nation.
(d) By not entering the village and by allowing Martha to empty her chest, Jesus demonstrates qualities of a good leader. A true leader inspires people to be self-reliant by using available resources productively.
(e) Let’s transform ourselves from poverty into prosperity through hardwork.
(a) We must elect “leaders that have the desire, commitment and capability of turning our country around” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 1)
(b) We should stop the trend of “a change without transformation…” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 7)
(c) We need leaders who adhere to “the rule of law”; do not “witch-hunt and make arbitrary arrests”; do not “side-line and remove political competitors from the electoral race”; do not “abuse power once in government; who are responsive, accountable” and delivery of public goods; who do not “abuse and loot public resources for selfish party and personal benefit” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 7 & 8)
(d) We must choose leaders who do not “over-depend on international donors” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 9)
(e) This country needs “quality and visionary leadership” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 10)

(f) We must elect leaders who promote “the national development agenda” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 10).

(g) God, therefore, recommends leadership that is visionary, transformative, empowering, caring, serving, protective, people-centred and obedient to Him (Strengthening the Vision of our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 10 – 11).

(h) This calls for quality leadership that is capable of sacrificing self-interests for the common good (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 11)
(i) A good leader must have these qualities: vision, good steward, exemplary, respect the Constitution and Rule of Law, accountable, democratic, and God-fearing (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 14 -15).
(j) A leader should be ready to make things new, bringing about changes with a positive difference not just for the sake of change” (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, 1st December 2013, p. 15).

(a) Just as Israelites gained new life by being liberated from exile, how can we bring hope to Malawians embroiled in poverty, illiteracy, despair, fatalism, donor dependence, handouts and hand clapping?
(b) How can our faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God inspire us to transform our lives?
(c) What lessons can we draw from the bishops’ teachings from transformational leadership?

13th April, 2014: PALM SUNDAY


INTRODUCTION: Our human intellect cannot fully grasp the paradox of our salvation: life through death; glory through humiliation; exaltation through degradation; victory through defeat; reconciliation through rejection. Jesus did not come to end suffering and death but to show us the path to take when faced with suffering and death.


FIRST READING: Isaiah 50:4-7

This is the third song of the Servant of the Lord. Although he faces many problems, the servant does not lose faith in God.

PSALM: 21:8-9, 17-20, 23-24

When faced with difficulties we think God has forgotten us. However, every problem is beneficial. God tests us to make us stronger in faith.

SECOND READING: Phillipians 2:6-11

Just as Jesus humbled himself and became a slave who died for us on the cross, we should also be humble and servants of all.

GOSPEL: Matthew 26:14-27, 66

(a) People are fickle: today they sing “Hosanna”, on Good Friday they will shout “Crucify him”!
(b) Judas does not call Jesus “Lord” but “Teacher” to show that he has no faith and will betray Jesus to his enemies.
(c) Although the Chief Priest, Caiphas, could have saved Jesus, he fears his fellow Jews, the Romans and losing his position. Remember Caiphas turned the Temple into a market for sacrificial animals and monetary exchange.
(d) Jesus appears to be defenceless and marginalized.
(e) At Pilate’s court, the Sanhedrin changed Jesus’ charge from blasphemy to treason: (i) inciting people te revolt (ii) discourages people from paying tax (iii) calls himself “King”
(f) Pilate was politically shrewd: (i) felt that Jesus’ case was a trap (ii) wished to save Jesus by asking him whether he was indeed “King of the Jews” (iv) tried to have Jesus exchanged for Barabbas (v) washed his hands clean and ordered Jesus to be lashed.
(g) By succumbing to their leaders’ campaign, ordinary citizens preferred a brigand to the Messiah. Sin triumphed this day.
(h) INRI means “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews” and yet he faced any evil imaginable: betrayal, rejection, ignomity, trial, jealousy, envy, scourging, tossed around, carrying the cross, stripped naked, crucifixion, jeering, humiliating death.
(i) Jesus felt pain and was greatly troubled in spirit: (i) a friend betrayed him (ii) another denied him (iii) the rest fled (iv) religious leaders not only misunderstood him but also plotted to have him killed (v) Gentiles crufied him as a rebel (vi) felt abandoned by His Father (vii) passers-by jeered at him
(j) “My God, my God …” This psalm begins with lament but ends in praise and thanksgiving to God. By praying this psalm Jesus proves that he is the Lord’s Servant who offers himself as sacrifice to God in order to save his brothers and sisters.
(a) The Passion story teaches us that Suffering is the path to glory. No sweat! No sweet!
(b) Through his own experience, Jesus is always in solidarity with those suffering and empathises with their plight.
(c) Beware, campaigning can sway citizens to elect a criminal and reject a potential transformational leader.
(d) It is only the one ready to suffer for others who can be a good leader.
(e) Let’s not sale out our values to please others. Say “no” to homosexuality, abortion, artificial contraception and atheistic secular humanism.


(a) Even today, people who are poor and vulnerable deserve special and preferential attention, for indeed, ‘How can it be that even today there are still people dying of hunger? Condemned to illiteracy? Lacking the basic medical care? Without a roof over their head?’” (Strengthening the Vision of our Destiny, 1st December, page 13).
(b) Public policies should be pro-poor and should guard against the concentration of resources in the hands of a few (Strengthening the vision of our destiny, page 13).


(a) What challenge(s) as regards opting for the poor and the marginalized am I receiving from today’s readings?
(b) From Jesus’ Passion what lessons do we draw concerning
i. betrayal
ii. evil forces colluding to suppress justice
iii. power, position and possession
iv. fear to standby the poor and defenceless
v. abuse of political power for self fulfillment
vi. blind abedience of the soldiers
vii. the crowd easily swayed to choose evil
(c) Are the policies, laws and programs we develop as a country genuinely pro-poor?
(d) What can we do to contribute to the improvement of the lives of the poor in Malawi?
(e) What policies can Malawi as a country put in place to uplift the lives of the poor?

20th April, 2014: EASTER SUNDAY
INTRODUCTION: The resurrection is the bedrock of Christianity. Through it Jesus turns humiliation of death on the cross into victory of life. Since Jesus rose, we also believe that we shall rise from the dead. The risen Lord comes to us in various ways and invites us to participation in his life. Love is an essential ingredient for this participation.
FIRST READING: Acts 10:34; 37-43
Peter summarizes the Christian Creed as follows:
(a) Jesus was human and went about doing good
(b) God’s power was transforming the world through him
(c) Jews killed him by having him crucified
(d) God raised him from the dead
(e) Apostles are witnesses to this
(f) We are challenged to renounce all our evil ways and live as people who have risen from the dead.
PSALM: 117:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
Since Jesus’ resurrection is at the core of Christianity, Easter Sunday is the most important day of the Christian calendar. On this day, Jesus, the stone rejected by builders, turned out to be the corner stone.
SECOND READING: Colossians 3:1-4
Baptism ushered us into a new life that will reach its culmination not in this life but in heaven. To attain this eternal life, our faith must be accompanied by good works.
GOSPEL: John 20:1-9
(a) Love and courage impelled Mary Magdalene to go early to Jesus’ tomb. When she saw the stone rolled from the entrance, two thoughts flashed through her mind:
i. robbers have made away with Jesus’ body
ii. Jewish leaders have transferred the body to desecrate it further. This proved too much for her, so she ran to Peter and John. Peter was still leader despite his three-fold denial of Jesus. John was the beloved disciple;
(b) Amazing for Jews who never trusted women, the two disciples rushed to the tomb on the witness of a woman. John arrived first but gave way to Peter to lead entry into the tomb;
(c) Although Peter and John saw the same evidence, John saw and believed that life had conquered death.
(a) The risen Christ raised the status of women amongst Jews by turning Mary Magadalene into a witness to the apostles;
(b) Mary was moved by the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ death; she showed loyalty and great patriotism by rushing to the tomb and then to the disciples. The disciples in turn were moved and rushed to the tomb.
(c) We worship on Sunday, not Saturday, because it is the day the Lord made for Jesus to rise from the dead and following on this his appearances after rising from the dead were always on Sunday (John 20:19,26; 21:1), so too was the descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) (Acts 2:1).
(d) Faith and love must go hand in hand. With the eyes of faith we must recognize Jesus in the hungry, thirsty, imprisoned, poor, orphans, sick, destitute as well as those discriminated against. Love must impel us to act in compassion amd justice.
(e) Let each one compare themselves with the three: (i) Mary Magadalene was a sinner but changed after meeting Jesus. Consequently her love for Jesus surpassed all (ii) Peter was impetuous but gave himself totally to Jesus; although he denied Jesus thrice, leadership was not taken away from him. (iii) John was Jesus’ beloved disciple. Love opened his heart to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead.
(f) Leadership inspires others to surpass their normal capacity. Patriotic Leaders spur people to integral development. Unpatriotic leaders seem to be rooted in injustice, deceit, robbery, burglary, corruption, laziness, political manipulation, and openness to evil and devilish laws.
(g) We are called upon to look for leaders who are patrioritic, truly love the country and are ready to die for it and not plunder it.

a. As Christians, we have to be aware that our country is part of the world in which we live. It is a land through which we have received innumerable benefits of body and soul. Every citizen is bound to love his/her native land as a child loves its mother. (How to Build a Happy Nation. Joint Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops of Nyasaland, 1961 )
b. In the spirit of patriotism, we invite you as Christians to actively and responsibly in the building up of the nation. Vote for people of integrity regardless of the region they come from, their tribe, language, political or religious affiliation. Malawi needs patriotic leaders, people who place national interest before personal ambitions”. (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
c. Today, rampant plundering of the country’s resources and growing trends of corruption reflect poorly on the quality of our love for the Motherland. Patriotism in our present circumstances also entails: exercising our democtratic right to register and vote for quality leadership…and holding accountable the people we elect and put in positions of power (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny 3.3 p.11)
d. True and honest patriotism further entails desisting from:
i. Continued occurrences of witch-hunting and arbitrary arrests of government critics without thorough investigation or recourse to natural justice and efforts to side-line and remove political competitors from the electoral race;
ii. Limited responsiveness, accountability and weak public goods delivery by government systems and structures
iii. The continued and systematic abuse and looting of public resources for selfish party and personal benefit to the detriment of the national good;
iv. The entrenchment of politics of poverty and exploitation where the poor are more and more lured into a culture of hand outs than being empowered to become self-reliant
v. Over-dependence on international donors and other multilateral development partners who offer their aid with attached conditions which force us to give away our valuable cultural resources (Strengthening the Vision of Our Destiny, I December, 2013, p.7)
(a) How is the Resurrection the centre of our Christian life?
(b) Like Mary Magdalene, what can women do to take up their rightful and important role in society?
(c) State the anguishes that are being experienced in our country and those that have been outlined in the Pastoral Letter cited above that would deter people from being patriotic to their nation?
(d) Who are greatly affected by these anguishes?
(e) State qualities you will be looking for in order to get true, honest and patriotic leaders?
(f) In view of the tripartite elections, what can be done to encourage those issues that bring up resurrection and transformation of our country and what should we do to discourage those issues that bring anguish and anxiety in our midst?

The first gift of the Risen Lord to believers and indeed to the entire humanity is peace. ‘Peace be with you’ was his greeting during his first encounter with his disciples after his resurrection and this has become the official greeting we exchange with each other during the memorial celebration of the Paschal Mysteries of our salvation. More than ever before, humanity in modern days is in need of peace and this is peace of mind, peace of the soul, peace of the heart and indeed peace of the land which can only be attained if we align ourselves to Christ the Prince of peace.
FIRST READING: Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47
Some of the characteristics of the first Christians were: (i) fidelity (ii) sharing according to need (iii) praying together (iv) sharing joy
PSALM: 117:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Let’s thank God who saves us from various problems. We are to be reliable citizens and members of our Church.
SECOND READING: 1 Peter: 1:3-9
We should truly witness to Jesus. Just as Jesus suffered, we too shall be tested by fire. Having been reborn at baptism, let’s (i) have hope (ii) search for wealth in the promised land (iii) act as saved. Jesus has wiped out our sins, suffering and weaknesses. Though we have never seen him, let us grow in faith.
GOSPEL: John 20:19-31
(a) Jesus appears to his disciples on day after the Jewish Sabbath (Sunday), greets them with peace and breathes on them. These gestures show that the risen Lord is creating anew. Jesus goes ahead and gives the disciples a new lease of life. This new life will show itself through forgiveness.
(b) Thomas adamantly refused to believe that Jesus rose from death until he would see for himself. On the following Sunday Jesus came to show himself to Thomas. Upon seeing Jesus, Thomas showed as much faith as his ealier unbelief.
(c) Jesus said “blessed those who believe without seeing”.
(a) No man is an island. We are called upon to replicate the lifestyle of the first Christian community;
(b) Peace, the first gift from the Risen Christ, is central to our Christian faith;
(c) Just Jesus breathed new life into the disciples, our task is to cooperate with God in re-creating the world;
(d) Like Thomas, let’s have the courage to state our doubts and when we have been enlightened, let us have similar courage to concert and profess our faith.
(e) Let’s make informed choices and let’s build a new Malawi on the rock of faith, love, unity, truth and equity.


(a) When we began the journey towards our independence, we dreamt of ushering in a new era … we envisioned a country emancipated politically and economically. Peace is one of the values we envisioned as clearly expressed in the National Anthem: ‘O God bless our land of Malawi, keep it a land of peace.’ (Strengthening the Vision of our Destiny, 1st December, p. 3)
(b) The family, the state and the Church are designed to work together in harmony for the full development and happiness of the people.’ (How to Build a Happy Nation, in Building our Future, 1961)
(c) In every society, there are some who are tempted to refuse to accept the democratic wishes of the majority. Such a refusal would pose a grave danger to our society and it must be firmly resisted. Should democracy fail, the likely alternative is chaos. (Building our Future 1994, p.12)
(d) Those who succeed in the general election, the ruling party and its supporters, can easily be tempted to mock those who are considered to have lost the election. Nothing is more calculated to promote resentment and division in our society than gloating over one’s success as winners of the elections. There are sufficient examples from some other countries of long-term communal violence following general elections for us to be on our guard against such conduct. (Building our Future 1994, p. 12)
(e) Peace can only be assured if we all show an active concern for the weakest sections of our community and make the promotion of social justice a high priority. (Building our Future 1994, p. 14)
(f) Winner takes all’ is a thinking that can also be found in our society. Rewarding ‘winners’ at the expense of ‘losers’ is gravely unjust. Such unfairness sows seeds of resentment and could ultimately destroy our democracy. (Building our Future 1994, p. 14)
(g) Peace will not be assured unless those entrusted with political power take determined steps to promote reconciliation and govern with fairness. (Building our Future p. 14)
(h) We cannot expect a government to achieve its goals unless we too are willing to make our contribution. … Without dedicated commitment to our daily work, a just and peaceful society will not be built. (Building our Future 1994, p.14)
(i) The vision for Malawi, as is expressed in the National Anthem, was also clearly anchored on faith in God’s assistance. We are a God-fearing nation and therefore our aspirations, ideals, dreams of the future and motivation for nationhood are all hinged on faith in God. (Strengthening the Vision of our Destiny, 1 December, 2013 p. 3)
(j) We need to pray earnestly: before we vote, as we vote, and after we vote! Our prayers should be accompanied by fasting and abstinence. May the Blessed Mary the Queen of peace intercede for us and our nation.’ (Strengthening the Vision of our Destiny, I December, 2013 p. 18)


(a) Being the first gift of the Risen Christ, how can we actively participate in being agents of peace?
(b) How can we strongly profess our faith in the Risen Jesus as the Lord in the face of current fears concerning witchcraft and satanism?
(c) What are the ingredients of violence in our society that would disrupt the peaceful atmosphere we are enjoying in Malawi?
(d) How can we handle opportunistic prophesies about losers and winners of the forthcoming Tripartite Elections?
(e) In the spirit of the Risen Christ who breathes new life in us, how can we create a new Malawi?
(f) How can the youth avoid be used by politicians as agents of violence and should this be allowed?
(g) How should ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ conduct themselves after the elections to avoid violence?



INTRODUCTION: Like the two disciples from Jerusalem to Emmaus, we are on a journey from this earth to heaven. Our journey will have meaning and purpose only if we walk with Jesus. Let us tell Jesus our worries and anxieties. Let us also allow Jesus to open our minds and hearts through the Word of God and Bread of life.


FIRST READING: Acts of the Apostles 2: 14, 22-24

On Pentecost Day Peter used Psalm 16 to preach Christianity. He expounded the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. If we are faithful to the Lord, we shall walk on the path to eternal life.

PSALM: 15:1-2, 5, 7, 7-11

We need light. Let God illumine us when choosing leaders.

SECOND READING: 1 Peter 1:17-21

Let’s lead a dignified life. Pride and immorality lead to corruption and national decay.

GOSPEL: Luke 24:17-24

(a) Today’s Gospel teaches us proper piety:(i) express our anxieties and accompany one another (ii) listen to God’s Word (iii) share the Bread of life
(b) Cleopas and his companion leave Jerusalem dejectedly going to Emmaus. They walk with an inquisitive stranger. Having expressed their distorted Messianic hopes, Jesus is amazed with their lack of knowledge and then expounds the Word of God giving them the correct understanding of the passion, death, and resurrection.
(c) Jesus’ words did not simply open the minds of the disciples but also their hearts. They invite Jesus to spend the night with them since it was dark. Jesus opens their eyes upon breaking bread.
(d) The two disciples return to Jerusalem to share the Good News with others only to discover that the others know that Jesus is risen and has appeared to Peter.
(a) As social beings, companionship forms a basis of our strength
(b) Our lives must be built on the Lord who was the stone rejected by the builders but is now the cornerstone.
(c) We must respect our human dignity by devotion to prayer and behaving humanely.
(d) We must pray in truth and spirit by revealing our true feelings to God like joy, sorrow, anxiety, happiness, gratitude, worries.
(e) Our lives must be built on the Word of God and sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
(f) Let’s have the zeal to share the Gospel with others.
(g) Just as Peter was the first to be raised from the dead by the risen Lord by changing his denial into love, our sins must not be obstacles to witnessing to Jesus.

(a) Active participation in the building up of the nation is the responsibility of every citizen” (Strengthening the vision of our destiny, 1st December, 2013, Page 11).
(b) “As Christians we are duty bound to ensure that we participate actively and intelligently in placing well qualified, capable and capable persons in public offices” (Choosing Our Leaders, 28 December, 2003 pages 2 and 3).
(c) “Take responsibility in the honest assessment of ourselves”; for “in so doing, we hope to usher in a new era that is characterized by honest and respectful dialogue and an ardent common search for solutions towards the integral development of Malawi” (Reading the Signs of Times, 31st October, 2010, page 8).
(d) “It is the people of Malawi that will help develop Malawi” (Taking Responsibility for Our Future: Together Towards the 2009 Elections, 11th May, 2008, page 14).
(e) “Laziness is often evident among our people…we firmly state that laziness is both a personal and social evil” (Choosing Our Future, 1993, page 9).
(f) We expect “active and responsible participation of all citizens in civic affairs” (Choosing Our Future, 1993, page 9).


(a) How can the Emmaus experience of listening to the Word of God and sharing bread (the Holy Mass!) inspire us to witness and profess of our faith?
(b) As the two disciples journeyed with Jesus and thereby understood God’s salvific plan, how can we ensure that Christ journeys with Malawi so that we remain a God-fearing and loving nation?
(c) What lessons do we draw from the experience of the two disciples to help us fight fatalism, frustration, despair and apathy?
(d) How can we actively engage ourselves and others in discussing and analyzing issues that will shape our country?



INTRODUCTION: Christianity restored and elevated human dignity. All human beings are God’s images and children. God as Father loved so much that He gave us His beloved Son. Jesus loved us by dying on the cross for our salvation. Here in lies our equality and dignity. This truth is the basis of democracy; it must be the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Narcissistic pride and self aggrandizement have no place.


FIRST READING: Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 36-41

Human beings crucified Jesus but God the Father raised him from death. What must we do? We need to repent: (i) confess and be baptized (ii) acquire a new heart (iii) start a new life (iv) bid farewell to the sins that we fall into from time to time.

PSALM: 22:1-6

God provides for plenty of food and water. Let’s choose leaders who will bring genuine food security in the country.

SECOND READING: 1 Peter 2:20-25

Many Romans considered themselves hign in the society, consequently they never wished to indulge in hard manual labour and they had slaves who laboured as domestic servants and gardeners. Slaves were forbidden to marry and some of them entered into concubinage and their offspring became the of the master.

GOSPEL: John 10:1-10

(a) Jesus compares self to a shepherd and animal den
(b) There was great affinity between a shepherd and his sheep. He knew each one and the sheep knew his voice. The shepherd went in front and the sheep followed. His job description included taking the sheep to green pastures, watering them and defending them against marauding beasts.
(c) A door marks a boundary between inside and outside, yours and mine, hospitality and indifference. Passing through the door one escapes from dangers and attains rest.
(d) One who enters through a window is a thief and brigand. Such types think of vote-rigging. They have no regard for service but personal glory, self-aggrandizement and accumulating wealth.

(a) Like Jews, we crucify Jesus whenever we oppress the poor, are not patriotic, follow pagan customs and abort.
(b) We are all equal. In Christianity there should be no room for “boss” and “slave”. As image of God, each person has inviolable dignity. Moreover Jesus died for all.
(c) Democracy should consist of citizen participation at all times, not only during elections. People’s needs must be met. Leaders should be exemplary through their words and behavior.

(a) A good candidate is a man of proven honesty, moral courage, true wisdom and wide learning. He should respect the family rights, the religious belief of the people and have a deep sense of his duties and social responsibilities (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(b) In the same vein, may we appeal to our many good and competent Catholics to take up political offices in order to infuse this field with Christian and democratic values; politics is the art of government and not ‘ndale” as we popularly call it”.(How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(c) A candidate must be capable of holding public office; a certain ability is needed; a sense of vocation and of dedication to work hard on behalf of the people are essential. Nothing will be achieved without conscientious work on the part of both leaders and people. (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(d) A good leader is the one who serves. Members of parliament are public servants, just like teachers, doctors, nurses, etc. they are servants of all, rich and poor, young and old, those who live in town and those that live in the country. These serve people by being available to them, listening to their needs and by acting on their behalf. Any indications that candidates are concerned only with enriching themselves at the expense of others would be a reason of note voting for them. (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(e) Accountability is essential in a candidate, this entails willingness to allow one’s performance to be judged by the electorate, and a readiness to explain government policies and how funds are spent. (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(f) Only candidates who are truthful and have some degree of humility are worth to be elected. (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(g) Candidates who can inspire their people are needed; elected representatives are in a position to inspire their constituents to have a sense of their own dignity, to free themselves from dependency and to become self- reliant. They should also encourage people to improve their lives and that of their families, and to contribute to the development of the nation. (How to Build a Happy Nation, 1961).
(h) The period of elections offers citizens a unique opportunity to take stock and evaluate the state of the nations’ economy, education, health, governance, leadership performance, development achievements etc. It is time to choose and confirm successful leaders and replace those that have failed” (Choosing Our Leaders in the Forthcoming Elections, 2003).

(a) In line with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, how do you understand servant leadership?
(b) How can we detect leaders that are clueless and show visible signs of lack of sense of direction, agenda for development and can not provide any alternative thinking to the perennial challenges affecting Malawi?
(c) How do we assess our performance in agriculture, education, health, infrastructural development and many others areas as Malawi is clocking 50 years of independence?
(d) Do we have a clear understanding of our needs and how to realize them? Have we debated these needs with those that are seeking political leadership positions in the forthcoming 2014 tripartite elections?
(e) What should we do with leaders that fail to continue the best practices of preceding administrations?
(f) How can we ensure that we vote for leaders that will best respect our faith and morals?

Jesus said “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent and believe the Good News (Mk 1:15). Everyone has a role to play to have the Kingdom of God established here on earth. Let us ensure that God alone is given glory and then peace will descend on earth. Since God has entrusted the earth to His people, we have the duty to participate in the electoral processes this year by choosing:
Leaders who are God-fearing and who have His will at heart. We have to acknowledge that God is the Creator and Source of everything. Choosing leaders that are not attentive to God’s will is doing de-service to ourselves and our nation.

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