Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Dedza spotted for Trocaire Lenten Campaign

Dedza spotted for Trocaire Lenten Campaign

Carsterns Profile Picture (2)Kanyera Village from the area of Traditional Authority Kachidamoto, Mua Parish of Dedza Diocese is set to benefit from the Trocaire Lenten Campaign to be championed by Caritas partners, the Secretary for Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Carsterns Mulume has confirmed.

Speaking in an interview, Mulume said the Trocaire Lenten Campaign is the period during the Catholic Church’s Lent season that partners from Caritas International take an initiative to fundraise for funds that are used to implement specific programs for the welfare of the poor and the needy across the globe.

He said the Campaigns are focused differently and range from education, agriculture, water and sanitation among others.

Mulume said the Lenten Campaign by the Irish based Caritas partner,Trocaire,this time around will focus on water for agricultural and domestic use hence the focus on Kanyera Village which, according to statistics ,is in an area that faces a lot of challenges to access potable water and water for irrigation.

Through interactions that Trocaire visitors will have with the local communities in the village (Kanyera), issue-based information that affects the people living in the area will be collected and later taken to Ireland where fundraising activities will take place.

According to Mulume, the information gathered is packed into interesting and eye-catching church, educational and fundraising materials and funds are raised through donations and contributions by either students or Parishioners in Ireland.

Meanwhile, the visiting partners are scheduled to arrive in Malawi on Tuesday,January 14th and will leave for Ireland on January 20, this year. The visiting team will comprise of technical people, Parish Priests and Parish Pastoral workers in Ireland.

This is the first visit of Parish Priests and Pastoral workers from Ireland to Malawi on a Trocaire Lenten Campaign.

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