Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM bid farewell with Catholic University Interns

ECM bid farewell with Catholic University Interns

Fr. BuleyaMembers of stuff at the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) last Friday bid farewell to the five Catholic University Interns who were attached to Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) and the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM).

The fare well was spiced up by a party where members of stuff from all the commissions joined hands by eating, drinking and dancing together as one family.

The event was also used as platform to welcome new members who have just joined the Catholic Secretariat’s family in various commissions including education, research and communications, CCJP and Cadecom.

Speaking at the event, the Secretary General for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Father George Buleya commended the five Catholic University students for their hard working spirit for the time they have been on attachments.

He said the students demonstrated the spirit of learning from those that are working at the Catholic Secretary and believes that they will use the knowledge they have acquired else where they will go.

Father Buleya also took time to welcome new members of stuff who have recently joined the institution.

“We have new faces here that have just joined us and I would like to officially welcome you to the Catholic Secretariat family. Show us the skills that you have for the success of this institution,” said Fr. Buleya.

For his part, a representative of the Catholic University students, Temwa Mughogho commended management and stuff for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi for the love and technical support they rendered them during a three months stay they have been on attachments.

“Let me first of all thank you the Secretary General and all heads of Commissions for accepting us to have our attachments at this institution. On behalf of my fellow students, I would like to that you all including members of stuff from all the Commissions. You have been supportive and we must admit here that we have learnt a lot,” he said.

This is not the first time that ECM has hosting Catholic University interns as it also hosted other students last year.

Successful,one of the interns then,Success Sikwese managed to secured a job with the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace.

All the five students who include Mphatso Chambo,Temwa,Alinafe Bonongwe,Mzondasfe Mwanza and Wanangwa Mtonga are studying Bachelors Degree in Political Leadership at the Catholic University.

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