Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Archbishop Ziyaye confirms 197 young, adults Christians in Lilongwe

Archbishop Ziyaye confirms 197 young, adults Christians in Lilongwe

Written by: Levi Chirwa, Contributor from St. Patrick’s Parish
pictures taken by Louis Suwedi,ECM
Confirmation 2

His Grace Archbishop Tarcizio Ziyaye On Sunday, 27th October, 2013 conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation to at least, 197 catholic Christians aged between 14 and 65 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

The Confirmation ceremony was held during the Eucharist Celebration which he co-celebrated with Acting Parish Priest Rev. Fr. John Makola and his Curate,Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Diliwo.

The confirmed Christians were drawn from the areas around the parish center in area 18, Kauma and Mgubo outstations.

In his reflection which was based on readings taken from Pentecost Sunday, Archbishop Ziyaye told the congregation that the third sacrament of initiation makes us ready to serve the Lord and spread the Gospel without fear.

“In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are empowered to spread the Gospel just like the Apostles did after being energized on the day of Pentecost.” He said.

Confirmation is the last of the three sacraments of initiation, others being Baptism and Eucharist. Through this Sacrament, the faithful receive the Holy Spirit and become adult members of the Church.

The archbishop also reminded the congregation that “it is the same Holy Spirit which the Apostles received from Jesus on Pentecost that was passed on to bishops and subsequently priests in succession until today, without cease.

He also added that it is the Holy Spirit received at baptism and confirmation that unifies all catholic Christians regardless of tribe, race, colour of skin or status in society as evidence in uniformity of the church at all levels.

“The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives of wisdom, counsel, piety, fear of God, fortitude, knowledge and understanding help us to do right. We shouldn’t dwell on thinking that the world is bad and full of evil, but we must know that the bad and evil comes from the inside our heart, when we don’t have the Holy Spirit” said His Grace Archbishop Ziyaye.

He also advised that through the help of the Holy Spirit, we should emulate the Ugandan Martyrs by accepting to die for the love of the Gospel and of God.

Archbishop Ziyaye further advised the confirmands to open their hearts and receive the Holy Spirt so that they serve the church and the country better by being able to make right choices.

In conferring the sacrament, the archbishop asked the whole congregation to renew their baptismal promises before laying his hands on confirmands heads, anointing them with Holy Oil and a little slap on the check (as a sign asking them to endure for the sake of Christ.

Prior to receiving the Sacrament, confirmands spent two weeks preparing through their respective church centerConfirmation 2 faith formation programs answered questions in a final interview to determine their preparedness and undertook the sacrament of penance.

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