Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Off FCJ Campaign and Kilimanjaro Trip

Off FCJ Campaign and Kilimanjaro Trip

facebook-profileThe Food & Climate Justice Campaign is the regional initiative which started in 2012 whose main aim is to ensure women as major food producers have access and control to enabling factors of food production in the face of climate change so that food system is fixed and no one especially women and children go to bed hungry. The campaign key focus is threefold: agricultural investment, land rights and climate justice.

In Malawi the campaign was launched in October 2015 in Mulanje where some women climbed the Mulanje Mountain to raise awareness on the need for increased agricultural investment towards smallholder women farmers to enable them produce more food for their households and their communities.

This year, the FCJ campaign will focus on women land rights in Africa and the main event will take place in Arusha, Tanzania, where women from across Africa will climb Kilimanjaro Mountain and present their Charter of Demands to African Governments from 14th to 16th October 2016.

Prior to that, a caravan of buses will move across the African continent passing through different countries including Malawi. The Campaign team is organizing a welcome ceremony for the caravan in Lilongwe where 1000 women and youth will be mobilized from the country to present their national charter of demands.

The Food and Climate Justice Campaign Taskforce comprising of different partners as depicted on the logos below is steering the campaign in Malawi. The Taskforce therefore invites your institution to the Campaign Event which will gather 1000 women and youth where a Charter of demands will be presented to Malawi Government.

The event will take place at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe on 10th October from 1:00 PM- 04:00 PM.

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