Episcopal Conference of Malawi


BICAM Conference resolves to use modern technologies of teaching the word of God

BICAM Conference resolves to use modern technologies of teaching the word of God

Fr Emmanuel Chimombo
Fr Emmanuel Chimombo

The 8th Plenary Assembly of the Biblical Centre for Africa and Madagascar (BICAM) which took place from 17th to 23rd September, 2013 at Saint Anthony Major Seminary, Kachebere, in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi has resolved the use of modern technologies by all members states as one of the ways of teaching the world of God.

The National Pastoral Secretary for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), Father Emmanuel Chimombo confirmed this in an interview with ECM’s Communications Department.

Father Chimombo said the world is fast advancing and the approach of using modern technologies is aimed at capturing the interest of the faithful especially the youths who are the direct group of people currently using the modern technologies.

“Modern means of communications matter a lot these days as such BICAM representatives from across Africa and Madagascar saw it fit that it’s high time that we started using these methods as a means of reaching out to many people in the society,” said Father Chimombo.

He said in the case of Malawi, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi will rely on its Research and Communications department to advance and achieve the approach.

“There are several modes of technologies which are modern and as the Episcopal Conference of Malawi we will work hand in hand with members of our Research and Communications Department. Currently, ECM is in partnership with Airtel M by sending Chitsime E to 51992 hence faithful receives the Gospel passage for reflection on daily basis,” he said.

Father Chimombo who is also the Deputy Secretary General for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi said they intend to introduce radio and Television programs, revamp ECM website, use face book and twitter as a way of spreading the world of God.
Bible Exortation during BICAM Conference Opening Mass
The one week Plenary Assembly which was guided by the theme “Letting the Bible Inspire all Pastoral Activitiesattracted over 75 participants from the Regional Episcopal Conferences under the Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM.

During the Official Opening ceremony of the Assembly goodwill messages were delivered to the participants by the Chairman of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Bishop Joseph Zuza; the acting Secretary General of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF), Professor Thomas Osborne; Clapperton Mayuni, Executive Director for the Bible Society of Malawi who also represented the United Bible Societies (UBS Africa Region.

The Keynote address was delivered by the Director of BICAM, Fr. Yves-Lucien Evaga Ndjana
BICAM Delegates at Kachebere Major Seminary

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