Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Catholics Cherish New Catholic Answer Bible

Catholics Cherish New Catholic Answer Bible

The New Catholic Answer BibleA cross section of Catholic faithful in the country have expressed satisfaction over the introduction of the New Catholic Answer Bible currently being promoted by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) through its Pastoral Directorate.

Vice President Dr. Saulosi Chilima is the promotional ambassador for this Catholic new answer bible and has since been to St. Patricks, area 18 and St. Kizito, Chigoneka Catholic Parishes in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

Marketing Officer for the project, Sydonia Dzikolidaya says the promotion team will invade Limbe Cathedral in the Archdiocese of Blantyre this Sunday, 31st July, 2016.

“The promotion drive of this Catholic New Answer Bible is ongoing and we intend to reach out to as many parishes in the country as possible. We appreciate how the faithful have welcomed this bible so far,” she said.

Commenting through I am a Catholic and I am proud Facebook page, Catherine Nyangulu wrote “Baibulo limeneli tagula. Reading it right now. mau amu baibulo amatiuza zoona. Tiyeni tiwerenge baibulo singing!” (We have bought this bible. The words from the bible tells us the truth. Let us all read bible, singing……)

Another Catholic Christian from Blantyre Archdiocese, Blazio Liyao said the new bible that ECM is promoting is a welcome development considering that many Catholics seem not to know much about the basic tenets of Catholic faith.
“I welcome this indeed and hope it will be nationwide. Many people are looking forward to having this book and I have heard from those who have bought that they find it timely considering the many false teachings flying around about the Catholic Church,” said Liyao.

For her part, Treazer Chisi Phiri wondered when the Bible is been taken to Blantyre so that she can as well have her copy.

“Nde mwati ku Limbe cathedral Ndi liti?. (So when are you bringing the bible to Limbe Cathedral?),”wondered Phiri.

Speaking to both English and Chichewa Eucharistic Celebrations at St Kizito Parish, Chilima said the Catholic New Answer Bible clears misconceptions that both Catholics and none Catholic have.

“Among other facts of the Bible include is that, it captures what Catholics believe in and why they believe it. It has 88 common questions and answers about Catholic beliefs and practices which is the first of its kind in the region. It also gives one an opportunity to respond confidently when challenged about the Catholic Church and its teachings instead of shying away,” said Chilima.

Chilima said, the Bible is unique as it addresses questions like do Catholics worship Saints which is ably answered on Deuteronomy 5: 7,9 and Acts 17:28.

“Apart from that, it also gives scriptural references to back up the responses and it invites the reader yet to another powerful and important Church document for Catechesis; The Catechism of the Catholic Church. It provides an opportunity to increase knowledge of the Bible and deepen one’s appreciation of it,” added Chilima.

The Bibles is selling at K25, OOO for the ones that have a leather cover and K15, 000 for the ordinary cover. They are currently in English only and plans to have it translated in the local languages are underway.

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