Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Vatican applauds Malawi’s generous Faith Shared

Vatican applauds Malawi’s generous Faith Shared

Malawi’s PMS National Director Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa

By Prince Henderson-ECM Communications Officer

The Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples based in Rome, Fernando Cardinal Filoni has applauded the catholic faithful in the world for sharing generously their faith and financial resources with others in the whole world that need to hear the Gospel of salvation.

Cardinal Filoni said Catholic faithful every year are encouraged and mandated to pray and share their financial resources through the Pontifical Mission Societies solidarity fund where they offer prayers and contribute money so that the Gospel of Christ can be preached in the whole world especially in the needy countries.

He was speaking this in Italy, Rome on 30 May 2016 at the opening of the General Assembly of the PMS where National Directors are meeting to submit the financial contributions and pastoral reports on mission promotion from their various countries.

Malawi’s PMS National Director Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa is attending the meeting which takes places every year and this year it started on May 30 and ends 0n June 4.

According to Fr. Mwakhwawa, the Cardinal commended the generous spirit that exists in the Catholic Church and encouraged the National Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies to continue their tremendous work in leading the teaching of the people of God in sharing their faith with other people who need to hear the Gospel of salvation.

“Speaking in his opening address, Cardinal Filoni, representing the Holy Father, encouraged us directors to continue the good work of raising missionary consciousness among the people of God in their countries,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa in his e-mail communication from Vatican.

He said the Cardinal emphasized the need for effective promotion of missionary consciousness in any country and enhance cooperation and collaboration between the clergy and the lay faithful.

“He mentioned that collaboration is key to ensure that that the Gospel is proclaimed especially to those who have not known Christ. He emphasized that the Catholic Church’s mission is to proclaim to the Gospel to the whole world, thus every Catholic must always think about others within and outside their countries by offering prayers, services and monetary contributions for their salvation,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa who is also the Acting National Pastoral Secretary for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM)

According to Fr. Mwakhwawa, Malawi whas commended for contributing MK 18, 484,159.00 to Vatican to be used to support other countries where the Gospel of salvation has not been heard and where the Church needs to be strengthened. Malawian Catholics were commended for increasing their contribution by 44% from 2014, despite the economic hardship Malawian people are facing.

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