Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Fr. Tambala Consecrated as new Bishop for Zomba Diocese

Fr. Tambala Consecrated as new Bishop for Zomba Diocese

After waiting for almost two years without a Bishop, finally Zomba Diocese has a new Bishop. He is Rt Rev Bishop George Desmond Tambala who was consecrated by the Papal envoy for Malawi and Zambia Archbishop Julio Murat at a colourful ceremony held at Zomba Catholic Secondary School ground on Saturday, 30th January, 2016.

Thousands of Catholic faithful from all walks of life including President Peter Mutharika, his vice, Saulos Chilima, former president Bakili Muluzi, Cabinet Ministers, Bishops and priests were among the multitude that braved rain showers to witness the occasion.

Speaking at the function, President Mutharika commended the Catholic Church for being the country’s moral compass, saying he will count on it to teach Malawians old ways of believing in truth as opposed to relying on social media which some people are using to mislead others.

“You are the people to heal the nation spirit as the Church guardian of morality,” said the President.
He cautioned Malawians against spreading sensitive rumours and lies against authorities and citizens through social media.
In his homily based on scriptures on Exodus 3:1-6 and Luke 51-11, chairman of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), Archbishop Thomas Msusa, said God’s ways are different from those of human beings.

Said Msusa: “What the human mind despises is what God chooses to lead his people with. This is true of our candidate, but God had already chosen him to serve the Church of Zomba.

“God has His own plans and ways of administering His flock. Although human minds doubt the choices of God, His choices are always wiser than human minds and this is being fulfilled today through the consecration of Fr. George Tambala to be the Bishop of Zomba.

He then urged the new bishop to go and preach the word of God without fear. He also asked him to take care and collaborate with the clergy and the religious of Zomba Diocese who had been eagerly waiting for a shepherd for the past two years. He also asked him to support the lay faithful in their spiritual needs.

For his part, Bishop Tambala said he is just like a servant and is ready to work with all the people who matter in Zomba Diocese, including priests and the religious.

“I come to Zomba Diocese as a servant. A servant who is ready to work with the priests and the religious. I will be ready to listen and accommodate each one in the Diocese,” said Bishop Tambala.

He also stressed the need for the Church in Zomba to strive financing itself for the Church to grow.

The Holy Father Pope Francis during the feast of Saint Teresa of Avila at noontime in the Vatican City announced the appointment of Reverend Father George Desmund Tambala as the new Bishop for Zomba Diocese.

Bishop Tambala was born in Zomba on 11 November 1968.From 1983 to 1987 he attended secondary education at the Child Jesus Nankhunda Minor Seminary in Zomba and later attended the Inter-Congregational Seminary (ICS) of Philosophy in Balaka district.

In 1996 he entered the Novitiate in the Discalced Carmelites Order and made his first religious profession on 31 July 1991.After his theological studies at Tangaza College in Nairobi,Kenya.He was ordained priest on 13 April 1996 at Chiphaso Parish in Lilongwe.

He completed the specialization courses at Teresa-St John of Avila International Centre, and in 2000 he obtained a licentiate in theology at the Faculty of Northern Spain.

Bishop Elect Tambala has held the following positions: Parochial Vicar in Kapiri-Archdiocese of Lilongwe (1996-2002); Postulants Master in Balaka and teacher of Spirituality (2000-2002); Provincial Delegate Superior in the mission of the Province of San Joaquin of Navarre in Malawi (2002-2008); Superior of the House of Spirituality of Nyungwe-Blantyre.From 2009 until now, he is Definitor General in Charge of Africa and Madagascar and the Order of Discalced Carmelites.

He speaks: English, Chichewa, Yao, Swahili, Italian, Spanish and French.






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