Episcopal Conference of Malawi


ECM approves the Association of Catholic Journalists (ACJ)

ECM approves the Association of Catholic Journalists (ACJ)

Association of Catholic Journalists (ACJ)

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has approved the Association of Catholic Journalists (ACJ) as one of its bodies to help the church in its evangelization mission.

The approval was made on January 27 at Msamba Prayer House in Lilongwe during the ECM first plenary meeting in 2012.

“We do approve you as Association of Catholic Journalists and we hope that we will continue working together in collaboration for the betterment of the Catholic Church especially in evangelization and that you will take to heart the good of the Church,” said bishop Zuza, ECM’s president.

There was clapping soon after the approval and ACJ’s president thanked the bishops for approving the association.

“On behalf of the ACJ, I would like to thank the ECM for approving the association. We pledge to remain professional journalists and work together with the Church especially in its evangelization mission. We are always available and ready to offer our professional expertise and guidance for the good of the Church,” said ACJ’s President Deogratias Mmana.

The bishops’ approval means that ACJ is now born and can start embarking on its activities. It comprises a membership of Catholic journalists with interest to help the Church in evangelization.

The Bishops also endorsed the ECM Studios to be called Malawi Catholic Communications Network (MCCN).

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