Episcopal Conference of Malawi





Greetings to you All in the name of Jesus Christ!
As you know, World Communications Day (WCD) is an annual commemoration mandated by the Second Vatican Council (Intermirifica, 1963) and is usually celebrated on the Sunday before Pentecost.

Internationally, this year’s 46th World Day of Communications was observed on 20th May, 2012. Here in Malawi the celebration takes place the last Sunday of July every year and this year it will be celebrated on 29th July.

On this day, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has once again called on all Catholics around the world for a meaningful celebration of World Communication Day. Every year the Pope issues a message which addresses a specially chosen theme. The theme chosen this year is Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization.

This excellent document highlights silence as an integral element of communication. The Holy Father says, “in its absence words rich in content cannot exist. In silence, we are better able to listen to and understand ourselves.” Of word and silence he says: “learning to communicate is learning to listen and contemplate as well as speak.”

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) joins Pope Benedict in his invitation to all Christians to examine and reflect on this year’s theme – Silence and the Word as a path of evangelization. This commemoration is most effective when part of a year long celebration.

We request you our dear Rev. Fathers to encourage and highlight the importance of celebrating WCD in all parishes in your dioceses.

We hope the Holy Father’s message will be incorporated in liturgical celebrations and be part of catechetical and seminary formation. We ask for your prayers, support and recognition for all communicators involved in this vital mission of spreading the good news of the Gospel through all the means of social communication at our disposal.

I take this opportunity to inform all Parish Priests that all collections on this Sunday (29th July), are sent to the Diocesan Social Communications Office who will in return remit 20% of the money collected to the Social Communications Office. In other words, all the money collected on this day is exclusively dedicated to improving communication services both at National and Diocesan levels.
It is my hope that you will do everything possible to support the Social Communications Offices. We desperately need your support.
God bless you in your ministry!


+Right Rev. Martin A. Mtumbuka
Bishop Chairman for Social Communications 
CC: The Local Bishops and Archbishops

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